Chapter 6

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Good, he'll be here in a couple of hours, that'll be enough time to calm Marissa down and get her ready to tell the wolves about her story.


Chapter 6

(Marissa's POV)

"Marissa, are you feeling better now?" Esme's so sweet, she's just like my mom.

"Yeah, thanks for the hot chocolate Bella, it made me feel kind of better." I don't know why I all the sudden I started freaking out but the hot chocolate definitely helped.

"Marissa honey, you're going to have to tell the wolves. Now that our truce is stronger than ever we have to tell the wolves what's going on. Now we're going to get you to explain it because you're the best person to explain it." Edward tells me, he could probably explain it just as well, but I'm not going to argue.

"Okay, when are they coming?" I hope it's not soon.

"They're sitting outside right now, Bella, want to go get Jacob for me please, make sure he only brings Seth, Leah, Sam, and Jared please."

"Okay so just tell them everything that I told you?" I don't want to say something that could harm the treaty. It seems like Edwards the only one paying attention to me, Esme's cleaning, Carlisle's off to work, Emmett and Jasper are gaming, and who knows where Rosalie is, probably with Renesme.

"Hello, Bella told me your name's Marissa?" Jacob comes in with Seth, Leah, Sam, and Jared behind him. His voice is louder than I thought it was so I jumped.

"Um, yeah. Uh, and I have a weird story to tell you so uh, get comfortable I guess." They just listened to me and sat down without saying anything, although they look very confused.

"So uh, I don't think you've heard my story and why I'm here. First of all I know about werewolves and vampires. I found out about them from back home. There is this movie and book series called the twilight series. It's based around Bella's life. How she moved here, when she met Edward, how she figured everything out about him, him leaving her, Jacob hanging out with her, Jacob as a werewolf, the newborn from Victoria, Renesme being born, the wedding, the fight with the Volturi everything. Then the other day I fell asleep watching Eclipse, one of the movies, and when I woke up I was in Charlie's front lawn, I'm not sure how that happened." The whole pack sat there speechless. They couldn't say anything. I looked into their eyes, one at a time. When I looked at Seth he had a weird look on his face. All the sudden he got up and left, that snapped Jacob back into reality.

"Leah go to Seth and see why he's acting weird please, I'll tell you about this afterwards."

"Yes sir." Leah quickly got up and left, from the window I could see her phase, that was pretty cool. For some reason I wanted to be the one to comfort him.

"So you have seen everything that has happened to us in the last four years?" Sam is in alpha mode right now, I can almost feel the power rolling off of him in waves.

"Well, not everything, I haven't seen anyone pee, and usually the stories based on Jacob, Bella or Edward, everyone else was there when Edward, Bella or Jacob was there."

"Oh, so you'll be staying with the Cullen's I assume?"

"Um, I think so, they already have a room for me and stuff so I hope so." I really hope they don't kick me out or something, even if they seem too nice to do that.

"Of course you can stay with us Marissa, we're going to take care of you." Esme looks almost offended that I said that, but I probably did offend her though.

"Okay, since that's figured out we'll go talk to the elders and see what they think and we can talk tomorrow okay?" Jacob seems like he's itching to go check on Seth, I kind of want to know what's up too.

"Okay, want to come at 4:30 tomorrow, we'll have supper and that's when Carlisle will get home."

"Yes, thank you Esme, you're too nice, we'll be here right on time."

"I'm just happy to help Jacob. Please don't be a stranger, Renesme's missing you."

"I'll be back tomorrow morning when my patrols over. Bye." Jacob ran out the door while waving.

"Well," I say with a yawn, "I'm tired, I think I'm going to bed, goodnight Esme, Jasper, and Emmett." Rosalie was still gone and I think Bella, Edward and Renesme are going hunting, so I go back to my room curl up in the gigantic blanket and fall right asleep.


So hopefully that wasn't too short. Sorry I havent had the motivation to write lately but I've been super busy with work school and volleyball.

So vote, comment, follow, those give me more motivation to write, I'll try and update next week.

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