Chapter 3

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"Okay, let's do this." I say while heading to the door, walking right into the house of my favorite series.


Chapter 3.

I put my head up high and march straight into the Cullen home, weird, there's no one here, maybe they heard my meltdown  and decided to give me space. I go up some stairs and go up to where I remember the main living area is. It's huge! But there was no one there. Okay, I'll have to ask, I just whisper Carlisle and I know he can hear me. Right away he was in the living area, with a confused look on his face. 

"Uh, hi, I'm Marissa, and I have some thing really weird to explain, and it may take awhile, is the rest of the family near?" Erg, I don't want to do this anymore, I'm scared, stupid shyness.

"Hi Marissa, I'm Carlisle and the family is on their way, and will be here shortly." Carlisle is so calm and level-headed, I wish I was more like him.

"Carlisle, I know what you are and it's okay for you to do anything that would look abnormal on a normal basis."

Now Carlisle looks extra confused, "I guess you'll explain why afterward. Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice, come to the main living area as fast as possible please." I see Renesme come in and hop into Bella's arms, she is so pretty, even while looking so confused at me. Shortly after the rest of the Cullens come into the room, confused at why a human, is in here, other than Alice, who must have seen me. 

"Oh, this is going to be good, Marissa, don't worry, it'll all work out." Alice says with a grin.

I smile back before I start. I tell them about the books and the movies and how I go here, which I'm still not sure about. They all stand quietly listening the whole time. "And, I have one question, the movies and the books were different. The movie Alice had a vision of the Volturi and the good guy's fight, and in the books, you guys just talked it out. Which one really happened?"

"Alice had the vision. That's what happened." Edward says quietly.

"Okay, so your life is based off the movies, so I know everything that has happened until now, I have memorized the movies word by word." I'm glad they don't have to explain anything about that to me.

"So," Carlisle began, "I'm guessing you don't have anywhere to stay, with being away from home."

"Yeah, everything's gone, my friends, my family, even my clothes," I say putting my hand over my mouth, shocked about that, realization finally hit me, "Everything's gone..."

"It'll be okay, we'll figure it all out and try and get you back as soon as possible." Carlisle tries to reassure me. Little does he know, I don't want to go, I want to stay, even if that means I'll never see my parents or friends ever again. I don't tell him that, I just nod.

"Marissa, you can stay at mine and Edward's cottage in the guest room, Alice already stocked it with clothes, and I can now see why." Bella so generously  offers.

"Thank you, um, do you by chance have any food, I haven't eaten since I go here." I shouldn't have asked, their going to think I'm needy.

"Oh, of course darling, your probably starving!" Esme speaks up for the first time, "You like fruit right? We have a nice fruit salad already ready in the fridge."

"Fruit salad would be amazing, thank you." Esme is so motherly, the books don't lie, I wish she was my mother, even if I miss mine.

"Your welcome sweetie, you can just take the whole thing to eat at Bella's."

"Thank you Esme, so much, I really appreicate it." I say really meaning it, who else would do this for a complete stranger, who probably sounds crazy.

"It's not a problem, I miss having someone to care for since Jacob had to go back to La Push for the week." I just smile back at her, the food is distracting me, luckily, Bella suggests we go to the cottage so me and Renesme can head to bed. We go back walking at a slow human speed because I was paying more attention to the fruit than walking. I was so immersed in my food that I just about walked right into the river.

"Woah, woah woah." Bella says as she scoops me up. "Don't want to go in there."

"Oh," I laugh, "Thanks." Bella laughs and jumps over the river. Ah, that never gets old. Soon enough we're in the cottage and I finished my fruit bowl. I grab some sweats and a cute shirt and head to bed, as soon as my head hits the pillow, I'm out like a light.


Short chapter I know, but it's okay I guess.

I don't really know how I'm going to build up the story, but I'll work on it, and eventually edit it and make the story longer and better.

Comment what you think, because I really need to know what I'm doing right or wrong.

I might put some plot twist in there that aren't supposed to be there, but it's okay, because it'll make it awesomer.

I think I'm going to make Seth and Marissa 16 instead of fourteen so the plot twist would make more sense, okay? Okay :)

Vote if you liked it, maybe even follow :p just kidding. (not really)

Anyways, I'll try and update soon :)

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