Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
Marissa's POV
I crawled out of bed confused, when did I go to bed? The last thing I remember was playing Just Dance with Emmett, which I kicked his butt at, and then sitting on the couch. I probably passed out on the couch and someone carried me here. I shrugged and went over to my closet, which is hard to believe, fuller than it was when I got here. Pulling on a grey Adidas sweater, some black Adidas sweats and some hightops, which were also Adidas, I went and pulled a brush through my long brown hair and stuck it up in a bun, I don't have anyone to impress, except for Seth, he's kind of cute.
When I made it to the main room only Esme, Bella, and Nessie were sitting there. Esme immediately got up and went to the kitchen, as she usually does when I get up. Fair to say I probably gained another 3 pounds since I got here, but I'm not complaining, Esme's meals are always very good, especially for someone who doesn't eat.
After Esme brought me my food, and I thanked her, Alice waltz in looking like a fairy as always and decided to do Alicey things like rearrange the flowers and fold blankets and other stuff. Eventually, I started to play with Nessie and watch some kids show she had on, she still enjoys those, no matter how fast she matures. I was getting really into the show (everyone does it) when I heard Alice gasp, immediately everyone was all eyes on her. Her eyes were glassy like they are when she has visions, she isn't usually very over-dramatic, only about ordinary stuff and fashion she is super dramatic about. She never over exaggerates visions though.
"Get everyone here, the Volturi is coming."
Jacob's POV
(Going back to after the pack stopped by)
"Seth bro, what happened back there? You were acting so weird."
"Jake, I don't know what happened but when I looked at her, I saw the person who I wanted to be, the person who could make her laugh, smile, cry tears of joy, I want to be the person who she wouldn't be able to live without." Seth looked torn up, I knew exactly what happened, little old Seth imprinted on Marissa. I pulled him into a hug and messed up his hair.
"Now, you can't be making fun of us anymore now Seth, you're going to be just as soft as I am with Nessie."
"What Jake, you mean, I imprinted on her? That's not how I thought it would be." Aw, poor kid didn't even know what happened to him.
"Yeah, and you're going to be wrapped right around her finger, and you're going to love it."
"Man, but how should I tell her this Jake, I'm not sure if I should,I mean everything that's happening to her. I don't want to confuse her or scare her any more. What should I do?" Man, I'm not even sure what he should do. Maybe he should wait, just for now.
"Seth, you should probably wait, it's going to so hard, the easiest way right now will be to stay away from her, if you don't it will be so hard for you not to be with her knowing she's not yours. Sorry I'm probably not making this any better, but I would just try and keep away until she's ready. I know it's not fair but Seth, I am so sorry you are caught in this right now." I actually am sorry, I know what it's like to be away from your imprintee, I bet it's about 100 times worse for him because she doesn't even know.
"It's okay, I'm willing to do that for her, anything to make sure she's happy." Man the kid's already wrapped around her finger and she doesn't even know.
"Well I'm glad to hear that kid. I actually have to go check on the Cullens , Edward just sent me a text saying it's urgent. I'll see you later kid." Yes I know having a cell phone isn't like me, being a wolf and everything, but the Cullen's needed to have a way to get a hold of me fast. Plus, Alice made me an "anklet" that adjusts everytime I shift so I have a place to hold stuff.
Marissa's POV
Everyone got here in about ten minutes and Alice brought us all into the family meeting area, or the kitchen table that doesn't get used for anything other than meetings because they don't eat.
"So the Volturi are coming soon, and it's not because of Marissa though, they thought they would come check on Nessie and make sure she isn't a danger to the vampire race. One problem though..," Alice looked at me with sad eyes," another human knows about us, and remember what happened when they knew Bella was going to get changed, and they still freaked out about that. Imagine what happens when they figure out what happened with Marissa and how she found out and how we have no intention of turning her." Well there goes that dream. I just shudder thinking about what happened to Bella during New Moon though, I do not want to be dealing with the Volturi killing the Cullens or me.
"But there is no way of hiding her, Aro can read all our thoughts just by touching my hand and if Bella hid our thoughts from them, they'd probably kill us for that reason or something along those lines. I say we just be straight about what happened to them and see what happens from there. I'm sorry to say though if worse comes to worse, we fight." Edward looks over to his wife and daughter with sorrow in his eyes and grabs Bella's hand.
I don't want that to happen
"No one will fight because the Volturi because of me. Some of you will die, no doubt, and I'm am not doing that to the people I have been loving for the past five years, that's not happening. If worse comes to worse, you will change me, I don't care who does it as long as none of you gets hurt, I know you guys say it's incredibly painful, so painful I won't even be able to imagine, but I guess that's better than dying. And Rosalie, I know how all you want to be is human and grow old with a husband and kids, but would you rather have me die? And your family too, probably not, so I know this is a sore thing for me to do, for all of you, but if we have to there will be no fighting. Just change me, that's my only request." They all looked at me like I was crazy, except for Jasper, he was probably feeling what I was feeling, love and admiration towards my idols, and the pain of them dying.
Everyone was silent for a bit, not sure what to say, then Rosalie, the last person I thought who would say something after this even though I did address her. "I get it, I know I was upset when Bella was planning on getting turned, but now I'm okay with it. But Marissa, I know how you feel, you don't want the people you admire to die, and I like that about you. I wish you would let us fight for you, but as you said, some of us would die, and I don't want to lose anyone of my family, so of course I'm upset you decided your fate so quick, but I accept it."
"Thank you Rosalie." I gave her a big smile, she isn't as bad as you'd think.
"Alice, how long do we have until they come? We need to be prepared." Carlisle spoke up for the first time, which is weird because he is usually the leader of these discussions.
"In about three days, they don't need much time because they are only bringing Jane, Alec and Felix. So we need to make sure we tell Jacob so he can tell the packs." Alice is still trying to see the future, you can tell because her eyes are all zoned out and she keeps moving around a lot.
" I already texted Jacob and he's on his way." Edward says glancing at his phone.
"Did someone say my name?" Jacob walks in with just his shorts on again.
"Jake!" Nessie yells jumping into his arms, "I've missed you."
"Aw pumpkin, I missed you too." He says spining her around.
"So what's going on?" He puts her down and started to get serious as Edward explained it to him all again.
"So we're going to fight the Volturi again I suppose." Jacob's answer was so casual I almost missed it, he's talking about it like it's a picnic.
"Here's thing thing Jacob, Marissa doesn't want us to fight, she said if worse comes to worse we have to change her, and we kind of agreed it's what we're going to do, if we fought we would lose family members, and we are willing to fight, but she made an excellent point."
"You can't do that!" Jacob yells, what's his problem, I would be a "vegetarian" vampire.
"Oh, man, that's bad, but she made up her mind, " Edward says obviously reading his mind, "Yeah, he shouldn't, that would be way to much. But we have to do it, obviously it's not the best way to go, and maybe it won't get there, okay, it probably will but we cannot fight again, and if we do, she will most likely end up dead and also some of our family will be wasted in the effort too, not calling you a waste Marissa, it would be totally worth fighting for you."
Jacob let out a sigh of defeat, "Okay, I Jacob Black, the desient of Ephraim Black, give one member of the Cullen family, doesn't matter which one, permission to turn Marissa I don't know her last name, into one of your kind if worse comes to worse and only if."
"Thank you Jacob, we apreciate that. Now this meeting is over because my lunch break is almost over at the hospital." Carlisle rushed out, boy, I hope he isn't late, that would make me feel awful.
"Okay guys, I have to head back to the pack and tell them what's going on, bye Nessie." He messed up Nessie's hair then left. Well, we're in for an exciting adventure, I just hope no one gets hurt.
A/N: Hey sorry this took so long but I got a co-author @twitori and we've been talking and writing so we will update more often than I already was. So this is kind of short but I'm trying so they're long. Thanks for reading :)

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