Chapter 5

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"So, Marissa, we decided that you should meet the Quilete pack. You need to tell them about what's going on since you know their secret too." Carlisle tells me. Ugh, I don't like talking infront of people, I have a little bit of stage fright.

"Yeah, uh, when are we going to do this?" I'm so nervous.

"Later today."


Chapter 5.

Edwards POV

This is really weird. I don't know who this girl is and she knows everything about us. She's saying something about books and movies and I'm really confused.

Seriously, Rosalie thought, another human who knows about us, at least we all have our mates and she can't ruin everything.

I growled at Rosalie's thoughts, but she thinks very negatively most of the time so fighting with her about it won't work.

Yes, a new person the play pranks on! I shake my head, Emmett will never change. We should probably keep Emmett away from her, because I have a feeling that she won't stand around and be pranked. She'll help. I shudder, not another person like Emmett.

This is so cool, meeting my idols, and they're supposed to be fiction, this is weird. I wonder what my parents think. Maybe the already noticed I'm missing. What if I never get home. Maybe the wolves won't like me, of course they're not. Ugh, this isn't suppose to happen. Appearently Marissa has been having mixed emotions about meeting us. And I have no idea what she means fiction, we're obviously real if we're standing right here.

"Marissa," She looks up with tears in her eyes, I didn't notice she was crying, " we'll find a way back to your world, I promise." She looks at me, I don't know what emotions were going through her head because Bella thought it would be a good idea to give her some mental privacy.

"B-But I don't wanna go back, that's why I'm upset, I'm finally meeting you guys. The people I have been obsessed over for the last four years, the people I'd never thought I met because you aren't supposed to be real. I want to stay here and never leave, and I feel bad because my parents are probably so worried."

Immediately Esme's motherly instincts kicked in and she was over by Marissa in half a second, cuddling Marissa, murmuring comforting words into her ears.

Bella lowered her shield so she could tell me she was going to make some tea to comfort Marissa, my wife is so nice, that's one of the reasons I love her. I just nod in response because I'm pretty sure Marissa would like some tea.

"Esme?" She sniffs, "Can I have some hot chocolate, it's the only thing that calms me down when I'm upset."

"Of course Hun, I think Bella's already boiling water in the kitchen, do you want it extra chocolatey?"

"Please, that would be nice." Immediately I hear my Bella moving around getting stuff for hot chocolate instead of tea. I don't know why but Esme likes to keep her kitchen fully stocked, which will probably be useful for when the wolves come over later. Speaking about the wolves, I should probably ask Jacob when Sam's pack is coming, since Seth and Leah are already in the area.

"Jacob?" I go outside and she Jacob coming back from the woods, pulling a shirt over his head.

"Yeah man?"

"I'm guessing you just talked to Sam, is he coming then?" Immediately when I bring up Sam the thoughts of the conversation popped into his head and I saw everything. Good, he'll be here in a couple of hours, that'll be enough time to calm Marissa down and get her ready to tell the wolves about her story.


I know this isn't very long, but I tired, I promise.

I'm sorry I haven't been updating very often, I started school a couple weeks ago and I've been super busy with that.

I promise I'm not ignoring you guys!

I'll try and upload another time this week but no promises because I'm stressed!

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