Chapter 9

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Chapter 9
Marissa's POV
So we were pretty much done packing, we each had a tiny suitcase, except Carlisle, he has three to hold all his books and such. Aro, Caius, Marcus and the rest of the gang (man, that makes them sound so happy) came in, "Ah, the Cullen's I see you are all ready, shall we be on our way?"
"Of course Aro," Carlisle replied taking the lead, I keep feeling like I was forgetting something. When we walked into the car I was just about in, right beside Nessie when I realized, I forgot the bear Esme got me a little while ago, I don't want to forget that!
"Just one second!" I yell as I bolted towards the door, I make sure that I get a good glimpse around while going to my room, or my old room, remembering all the moments that have happened in this house. Bella being pregnant, Edward proposing, Bella being turned into a vampire, and looking through the window I could remember the training for the war against the Volturi, and the arm wrestle with Emmett. Man, I'm going to miss it here, and my clothes, a lot of these are comfy, thanks to Bella and Esme, Alice isn't going to let me buy anything comfortable, I'll just have to sneak around, which will be hard.
When I walk into the room I realize that I thought that I was going to stay in this room forever, my forever has been cut short, but I get to live on in new adventures in the Volturi castle. I grab the bear from off my bed and grab a blanket for the ride, I hate the cold, the Cullens always have the heat turned up for me since they can't feel anything. When I run back out to the car, I could feel everyone staring at me, except Alice and Edward, they obviously knew what I was doing. I hopped in the car beside Renesme and held the bear up and shook him a little bit, I know she looks like a seven year old and she is smarter than me, but she still loves these things. She grabbed my bear and played with it for a bit. I shared my blanket with her and played with her all the way to Seattle. Every second we got closer, it got harder and harder to keep my mind of Alec. Eventually Edward turned around and told me that I was sitting with him on the plane and if I didn't stop thinking about him, I wouldn't be anymore, after that I read a book Bella gave me. It's called Defiance, it's like the Hunger games but it is it's own book in lots of ways, there for sure isn't a bunch of kids killing each other solely for the entertainment for it.
Finally we got to the airport, it didn't take us long mostly because vampires are amazing for speed walking and Edward knew what we had to do before anyone told us. After Edward dazzeled our way to be able to go on the airport early like sick and injured people usually do, we sat down and got adjusted. My carry on bag was just my purse, it had a couple books, my iPod, which came with me through to this "demension" so I still have my music, thank god, and a ds, I know what am I doing with a ds, it's fun, it's portable, and the best yet, I can whoop Emmett's butt from all the way over here.
Alec came and sat down beside me and my heart immediately started trying to jump out of my chest, how embarrsing,he could hear it and my stomach felt like it had butterfly's made out of rock flying around inside of it. Alec sat down smiling, obviously aware of my little panick attack. "So, Marissa, how was "real life"? I'd really like to know." Well, at least he's trying to talk to me, I thought he might have thought I was a crazy little human, which I am but still.
"Well, it's pretty much like this, but not as awesome. Except for the fact that, in real life, I had the book The Fault in our Stars by John Greene, and now I don't. That book was the best book ever, even better than the twilight series, but alas I am here and not there, so I might as well enjoy it, I couldn't stand the fact of going back home."
"I wouldn't be able to stand it either. I don't know what it is but there is something about you Marissa that really makes me like you." Maybe he doesn't think we are mates, whatever he will realize it, even if I have to write notes everywhere telling him, he will know.
"Stop that,"
"Stop what?" Aw, he really doesn't know, I wasn't sure how you could smile like that and dazzle someone without even knowing.
"Trying to dazzle me, it's not very fair."
"How is it not fair?" Haha, how is it not fair? Man, this guy is funny.
"You know those vampiric good looks, how I can't do it, that's how it's not fair."
"It is fair, because you always dazzle me with your beauty, I don't know how you don't have men lined up at your feet."
"People always get used to beauty," I say that quietly, there's no doubt he heard that. "But I could never get used to you." Alec smiled at me and said thanks, probably seen Emmett glaring at me and holding up his ds, oh it is so on. I pull out my ds and grab Mario Kart.
Me and Emmett played Mario Kart for about 45 minutes, by then he got tired of losing, I know how could the big fast reflexes vampire lose to a slow, teenage girl, one word, practice. I used to practice all night when they gave me this ds and Emmett was beating me all the time, now I'm beating him 33-24. When I look over at Alec and he's practice his power on different humans, which I give him a smack on and explain why it's bad to him. After the lecture we decide to watch The Host together since it's just come out. At the part when they take out Wanda's soul, I cried, Alec was holding my hand and laugh at me. It was sad! Eventually I realized the only way the plane ride would be shorter was if I fell asleep, which I did, hoping to have very joyful dreams of different things, mostly Alec though.
Alec's POV
Marissa is so cute when she sleep, I know it's kind of creepy that I'm watching her but she has already captured my heart. She has this cute little snore that she does, and when she laid her head on my shoulder, I felt like my dead heart was beating again. After a while, when you could tell she was in a really deep sleep, she muttered my name, it was so quiet that if I wasn't a vampire, I would've missed it, and yet I almost did. I can't wait to tell her that she is my mate, I know she feels the same way but humans generally are scared off from us, unless they are your mate, and even if they are your mate they could be scared easy, and telling her that might scare her off, so I'm just going to stay close to her for now and we'll see how it goes. I guess I could ask Alice but I feel like that's cheating at the game (not calling myself a player, or this a game in anyway, it is just a metaphor). After a while Edward came and sat at an empty spot beside us, we bought it out because a. we're rich we can do what we want and b. I wanted to be alone with Bella. Edward sat down and gave me a nice pat on her shoulder. "So Alec, you finally found your mate, I'm happy for you, but man, I think of Marissa as my little sister now, and if you are anything less than a gentleman to her, don't think that I can't kill you. And remember, there is other, people, who have her eyes on her, and if I think for one second that you are not worthy of her, than you will not see her ever again and just remember if you ever even think of being less than a gentleman, I will know, and if immediately you don't fix your mistakes before your actions become your mistake, just remember, the only time you will see her is when she's loving someone else, so don't make any mistake with her, or you will be sorry." Wow, Edward is more imtimidating than you would think.
"Yes, I promise that I will be nothing less than perfect for Marissa. And if you let me stay with her, than I will make sure to never do any wrong to her or your family. She means so much to me, I would die for her." There was no doubt in my mind that I would die before Marissa, she is my everything now and I won't let that happen, she is my princess, and I will treat her like one.
Obviously satisfied with my answer, Edward let out a good, gave me a big slap on the back and walked back to his mate and daughter. I wish I could have a family like that, but it's not possible unless we do what they did and have her have the baby as a human, but I don't want to do that unless Marissa really wants to, I hope she wants to because we can't keep a human kid forever, so adoptings out, and we both can't be a vampire and have a kid. I hope she wants to,to have two Marissa's would be amazing. Imagine this, we aren't even dating yet and I'm already thinking of kids. I hope Marissa doesn't think that's crazy.
After a while of watching Marissa and reading a few of her books. No one noticed my "speed reading". We landed, finally, I was getting so bored. So I shook Marissa a bit, but to no success, the only thing I got was a smack to the face, which will probably bruise her hand. Careful not to wake her, I picked her up and carried her and our stuff off bridal style. I hope she doesn't think this is creep and freak out when she wakes up.
Marissa's POV
I fell asleep pretty fast, I was dreaming of Alec and a wedding, there was also a little boy running around, I love dreams like this, it's like a image of what my life could be in a weird way. And by weird I mean that we were having a wedding ceremony in a high school and our friends and family were these giant beasts with little cat heads hanging off the roof, kind of like a giant bat but on the end of the wings were claws and they used them to walk. Creepy right? And our ring were cheap plastic dollar store rings.
After my dream ended, I was only half asleep, but asleep enough, and I could feel someone carrying me, I don't care who I just don't want to wake up. Eventually the air got a little chilly and when I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was Alec looking down at me.
A/N: So the next update will be Sunday. We are working on that chapter now. So what did you think? What do you think is going to happen?
Honestly I'm so excited! I get so excited while writing it a chapter and when @twitori is writing a different chapter I just can't wait it see it. We don't have a set plan on what's going to happen and I think that makes it so much better. It's always exciting and that motivates to write more. If you have any comments about this story then feel free :)
Thanks for reading!

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