Chapter 12

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Alec's POV

As I walked Marissa back to her room I could sense Alice and Rosalie in her room waiting to pounce. I was half amused, and half feeling bad for Marissa. Marissa kissed me on the cheek and then left to her room. As I walked away I could hear Alice and Rosalie squealing and Marissa sighing. It was such a beautiful sound.

I walked to the Throne Room quickly, hoping to catch Marcus in there. I hate talking to Marcus because when you look in his eyes, he has this pain, such agonising pain. That's the type of pain even my sister, Jane, couldn't make. It was the pain of losing his mate. Such pain that I pray to whatever God that the humans believe in, that I will never have to witness that pain.

Within a few seconds I am in the Throne Room, this is why I love vampire speed. As soon as I walked in I saw Jane smile at me and Felix nod his head in my direction.

"Alec, I've heard you've made our guests feel real welcome. Especially the human." You can't keep a secret from Aro, mostly because he knowa every thought you've ever had.

I bow my head in respect before speaking, "Actually Master, that is what I came to talk about." Aro put his hands out, obviously he wants me to show him what I mean. I take three long strides and put my hand in his. His eyes gloss over as he reads my thoughts. When he's done he immediately lights up and starts laughing.

"Well, this is wonderful, Brothers," Aro turns around to Cauis and Marcus, "It seems that Alec is positve he has found his mate. Marcus?" Hearing this Cauis just gives that stupid smug look he always has. (I know I'm supposed to respect my Masters but Aro has read my mind and hasn't said anything, so I think he doesn't like that look either.) Marcus on the other hand closes his eyes for a second and opens them.

He takes an unnessiscary breath before speaking, "Yes, she is your mate, but I see another pull on her, not a strong one, not as strong as your pull with her Alec, and it's there. It seems like it's mates, but not quite, it's one I've never seen before. So be careful not to upset her, you may lose her to another. Stay with her as much as possible to strengthen your connection. I also suggest that if she is up for it, to turn her into a vampire as soon as possibe."

As soon as he said there was a stronger possibility that I would lose her I felt my heart drop. It was like she was making my heart beat again and it stopped. And then I felt angry, I wanted to kill anybody who even looks at my mate. And to make it worse, this vile person, would actually stand a chance.

Aro was the first to speak up, "Alec, I know you're feeling angry, she doesn't know about it. Go, see her, ask her about becoming a vampire. I don't think she'll be too against it. Then when she's a vampire, you two can share a room, maybe take a short vacation and go show her some of the world. Then when you think she's ready, ask her to marry you, but I wouldn't take her anywhere she's been before, that might be where the other one is."

I knew my eyes were to dark to see her without scaring her. I needed to talk to my sister to calm down first. "Master, is it alright if me and my sister go out for a walk so we can talk. I promise we won't be long. I need to clear my mind."

"I'll allow it, as long as you stay inside the city and your back within 30 minutes. If not, Demetri and Felix will be sent to retrieve you and you will be in a lot of trouble for disrespecting us."

"Of course Master," I bowed then me and my sister ran out of the castle at top speed. When we left the castle we ran down back lanes and in the shadows. No human would be able to detect our movements. We would just be a black blur passing by.

We raced to the spot where we always go when we want to talk. It was a lake hidden from the rest of the city. It was very rare that a human would stumble across here. Immediately Jane took off her robe and laid it on a rock, careful not to get it dirty. I mimicked her actions and sat down on a rock about 20 feet from there. Jane sat across from me and gave me a look. I knew that I had to start talking soon.

"Jane, how is it possible, that my mate, the one person that's supposed to truly love me the way I love her, have another mate? How is that fair?"

Jane sat for a second thinking, "It's going to be okay. I'm guessing she doesn't even know she has another mate. Marcus said the pull was very weak, almost non-exsistent. Yours is stronger than that. And Aro is right. Marissa will love to be a vampire. Any girl from her world would. And she is your mate, she will want to be with you for the rest of eternity. Just accept that you will have to work a bit harder to make your bond with her stronger. But I don't think it will be hard. She is already head over heels for you. And she seems nice, I'm going to start hanging out with her. I'll make sure to put some nice words in about you." Immediately I jump up and hug Jane, she may seem all cold and harsh. And she is, but I grew up with her, we were both deemed outcasts by society. We are the witch twins. Nothing could tear us apart.

"Now go," Jane said while she pushed away from our hug, "Let's race back to the castle and you can make the love of your life, yours and yours only." Immediately I jumped up and grabbed my robe and kept running, behind me I could sense Jane doing the same. Usually she's ahead of me, she's always faster, but for some reason I could feel my mate making me stronger.

In record time I made it to the castle, I went to Marissa's room and Jane broke off back to the Throne Room. As I approached Marissa's room, I could tell she had left. I followed her scent to one of the game rooms. I seen her playing an intense game of Mario Kart with Jasper. Believe it or not it was a tight race. In the end Jasper won, she immediately jumped up and swore that she would win the next round. While she was swearing for revenge she saw me and went a little red. Jasper turned and saw me there and winked at Marissa and left. I walked over there a human speed and sat down with her.

"Marissa, I have something important to tell you, then an even bigger question. I'm hoping you'll like it though."

"Okay.., What it is?" I could see the worry as her face paled, but I think she was a bit excited too.

"I don't know if you've noticed, but we're mates. This means that we are a perfect match, if one of us leaves the other with no intention of coming back it could very well kill us both after we complete the mating. Which we don't have to do until you're ready and I won't get into detail about it right now." As I explained, I seen lots of emotions pass through her eyes. But the only one that I cared about was the love that passed through her eyes and stayed. "I don't want you to feel like I'm rushing it, we can take this at whatever speed you're comfortable with, as l long as I can call you mine."

She had her jaw down her to chest. I'm hoping she'll speak soon because I'm getting worried that she'll become mute.

She finally said something after about a minute of silence, which seemed like forever, "I'm yours, I'll always be yours." With that she jumped into my arms and I spun her around. Her hair was in my face and I loved it. It was the best smelling hair ever. 

As I set her down she gave me a weird look, "And what is the question?"

Oh yeah, I forgot about that.

"Well, my beautiful Marissa, since you are my mate, and mates are forever, I was thinking, maybe you could live forever. What I'm saying is, I want you to become a vampire and join the Volturi with me. It's all up to you. What do you say?"


Horrible cliff hanger because I'm a bitch.

So I updated again!

I really hope this is longer, it's hard to tell. But I'll try and update again soon.

My writers block has gotten better so I might start again soon. I know whats going to happen, I think. But I don't have the end planned out.

So I've been writing for a year and I only have 1 crappy chapter for each month.

After I get the story done I will go back and edit it and lengthen the chapters. I'll post a notification when I do that so you guys can reread it and see the improvements. Or even post it as a second story and keep this one the way it is.

Anyways hope you enjoyed. I love your guys comments by the way :) So tell me what you think.

What do you think Marissa's going to say? Yes or no. Or yes to being a vampire but not the Volturi, or yes to being part of the Volturi but not a vampire. Or anything else you can think of.

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