Chapter 2

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Eventually I just fall asleep.

When I wake up, I was not in my living room, I was in someones front yard in the rain.


Chapter 2

I sit up and look around. Where am I? It's cold. I've seen this place before. These are just a few thoughts I have while heading to the front door. This house looks really familar. Maybe I drove past it a few times, but this place doesn't look like home. 

I knock and wait, I hear volume on a sport show being turned down and a couch groan as someone got up. 

"Hello?" Oh my god, that's Billy Burke, what do I say ah.

"Hi, um, are you Billy Burke?" I ask in a quiet voice, I've always been a little shy.

"No, I'm the chief of police, Charlie Swan, and who are you?"

Wow, what, no, this can't be, why is Billy staying in character? We aren't even on set, I've never actually been on set? Good thing I'm a good liar. "I'm Marissa Delong. I'm actually looking for Bella. Do you know how I could get ahold of her." I'm going to lose my cool soon, he better answer quick.

"Yeah, she's coming by later, do you want to come back later?" 

"NO!" I say without thinking, "I mean, do you mind if I just wait here? I don't have a ride back home until after 3:00. Um, you wouldn't happen to know the time would you?" I don't even know what day it is, let alone the time.

"Yeah, that's okay, it's uh quater after 1, I can get Bella to give you a ride home after she comes here."

"Okay, thanks." That's good, because I'm planning on getting Bella to bring me to Carlisle anyways, this will make it easier.

"Yeah, uh, the living rooms this way. Erm, are you hungry?" Charlie gets all awkward now that he's done questioning me.

"Uh, no, thanks, but can I use your bathroom please?"

"Sure, it's just upstair straight across."

"Thank you." As if I need him to explain it to me, I've had this house memorized from watching the movies about fifty times.  

I go into the bathroom and probably stay up there for ten minutes. I'm soaked to the bone, my hairs a mess, and I don't have anywhere to go. But on the bright side, I'm in my favorite series, there's no camera's, no directers, and no scripts. This is a dream come true, it's like one of the many fanfictions I've read, it's like-

"Marissa, are you okay up there?" Charlie calls up. I guess it's been a while.

"Yeah, I'm coming down now." My voice cracks when I say yeah, no doubt Charlie noticed, he is the chief of police.

"Okay, Bellas here." Dang it, I'm not ready, maybe I'll make a horrible excuse so she'll wanna talk privately. Or I'll just ask her to talk in the forest, yeah, that'll work.

"Hi, Marissa, my dad said you wanted to talk to me?" Ah, Bella, she's so beautiful, I wish I was her.

"Uh," Whoops, lost my train of thought, "hi, can I uh, talk to you outside?"

"Sure, I'll talk to you in a bit Char- Dad."

"Okay Bells, nice to meet you Marissa." Charlie says, for the first time, not awkwardly, at least that I know of.

"Thank you Charlie, for letting me stay here."

"No problem, kiddo." I wave at Charlie and smile on the way out, even though smiling right now is crazy, I have no idea what's going on.

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