Chapter 10

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Chapter 10
Marissa's POV
We just left the airport and the Volturi decided to walk/glide or whatever it is that they do. We had our cars shipped here on a huge ship and they were waiting for us. I sat in Edward and Bella's car like I usually do but instead Emmett decided to squish in with us and force Esme to take his jeep to the castle.
After we all sort of squished in the SUV Emmett turned to me, "Hey, Marissa." What is he up to? He never says my name, it's weird.
"So I see you and Alec were getting pretty cosy on the plane." So this is what this about, Emmett takes his role of trying to be my older brother very seriously.
"Well, we were just talking, if that's what you mean."
"And you know, falling asleep on him, having him carry you out."
"Hey! I was asleep and you know it! He put me down as soon as I woke up." I can't believe Emmett is giving me this talk, yeah he's tough, but I don't know how long we're here, how long I'm here, anything. I could dissapear right now.
"Yeah, but I seen the way you were looking at each other. And I promise you, even if I'm wrong and there's nothing else between you two, I will hurt him if he makes you cry, or upset in anyway."
"I wouldn't expect anyless." I give him a kiss on the cheek and just laid against him, ready to go to sleep, I did sleep quite a while on the plane, but I feel like I got no sleep. I fell deep into a dreamless sleep.
       * * * * * *
When Emmett finally shook me awake, we were at the Volturi castle. The castle is about four times bigger than it looked like in New Moon. I look around and I can imagine the square being full of people as I look over the city, I can see Bella running through the fountain and saving Edward. I glance over at Edward and see the pain on his face, probably thinking the same thing I am, when Bella almost died. I can never unsee the pain that is written on his face whenever he thinks there is something wrong with Bella, anything.
We walk inside and I remember that we have to jump down a shaft. Good thing heights don't scare me.  Jane and Alec show up and help us through the confusing hallways they call their home. I was lowered down by Bella when we got to the shaft and someone caught me, I'm not sure who it was because it was really dark down there, made for vampires. When I was set on my feet I could just feel the ache in my muscles which means I will have some bruises.
"Sorry." I wasn't expecting anyone to say anything, especially not Alec. We've all been pretty quiet, the Cullens are probably thinking about when they almost lost their brother, son, or husband. Me and Renesme are way to tired to try and break the silence. Nothing happened for a while but I started to get cold, Alec was holding my hand, or at least I hope it was Alec; trying to keep it warm, which wasn't working because he's ice cold and all that. Eventually he put his coat on me, which was nice because it was an extra layer and it was made out of really nice material which kept me warm.
Eventually we stepped into the light, I could finally see that it was Alec walking with me. I gave him a smile and looked behind him, I could see Edward glaring and Emmett playfully punching his fist into his hand. I just shake my head and laugh, I love how protective they are and I haven't even been here for a month.
"Jane and Alec, please show the Cullens to their rooms, and someone give Marissa a tour please, she is the only one who needs one at the time." Alec and Jane both bowed respectfully at Aro and started walking towards another set of doors in the room. Aro, Caius and Marcus all floated to their thrones.
We walked for about five minutes and finally got into the hallway that held all of our rooms. There was a room for Edward, Bella, and Renesme, one for Rosalie and Emmett, Alice and Jasper, and Carlisle and Esme. I got a room to myself since I didn't have anyone to stay with. We all got our own private bathrooms with a jacuzzi tub. I'm so excited to test that out.
While everyone else got the stuff out of the cars and got it into the rooms me and Alec went on that tour while Jane walked away saying something about having some business to do.  We made some small talk and I talked about my life back home.  When we got into a room with chairs and couches, Alec sat down with me, and we talked about his human life. He had a very interesting human life, I forget what year he said but it was a long time ago. He was telling me about how he got changed. He was just 16, he was in love with this girl named Joanne, she never noticed him, she was a higher class then him. She had an arranged marriage with another boy who was abusive to her. One day he went out in the middle of the night to kill this man in his sleep, but while sneaking through the streets and vampire found him and changed him. After he was changed he killed the man, but he wouldn't change Joanne, he couldn't do it. He left his home and traveled the world, just wandering, eventually he found Jane, they have a brother-sister relationship, and together they found the Volturi.
After his story I gave him a hug, and he told me he doesn't despair for her anymore. He found a new life with the Volturi. Eventually after a while we kept moving. He covered my eyes and lead me through another door and let me open my eyes, when I looked around all I could see was books, everywhere, I couldn't believe I was looking at all these books, it would take me ages to read all these.
"Alec, this is so beautiful, I couldn't possibly possibly read all of these."
"You could if you were a vampire."
"Wait, what, a vampire, I don't know, we aren't sure if I'm staying here, what if I go back home a vampire? Vampires aren't supposed to exist in my world."
"I think we talk to Carlisle and Aro about this, Marissa, I think it's a good idea, it's not safe for you to live here human. Please, just think about it."
"Okay, we can talk, but I'm not saying yes, I don't know if I should."
"Okay, well, you should sleep on it, it's getting pretty late."
"Yeah, I guess it is." I started heading back towards my room, hopefully I can remember where it is, if not I could whisper Alec's name and he'd hear me.
"Oh and Marissa." I turn around and see Alec standing there watching me, "Be ready by 11 tomorrow, I'm taking you out." With that he turns around and heads to where ever he's going, I leave blushing and shakey.

Sorry for not updating in forever!

I honestly forgot about the story all together!

But it's here now!

I still don't know how often I'm going to update. I haven't been talking to twitori anytime lately so idk.

But I will try my best.

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