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Thank you @gabby_18

*flips hair dramatic*

Let the Chapter Begin!




"Aw man now this is really all my fault!" I said throwing my hands up in the air and dropping the Doritos bag. I groan now this is really all my fault. I'm going to kill myself! If Destiny dead I'm dead!

She was my only sister who really understood me out if the guys.

"I'm so sorry guys I'm truly am we all miss her she died on Sunday." Said Chris coving his mouth but put it down and he was smiling. Why is he smiling?! Destiny died and he's happy about?!

"What's up with the sad face!" Said some girl with black hair and red dip dyed hair to her hips. She almost tall as me. She grabbed the Doritos from the floor and started eating it. I seen this girl before.

She sat down on the couch and smiled with her green eyes. "Man I love Doritos! Who ever invented this I want that person autograph!" She said taking a bite of the Doritos.

"D-Destiny?" I stuttered with wide eyes. This can't be her she so tall now. She got up and put her hands on her hips.

"In the flesh!" She said putting her arms wide open. We where all shock till Niall tackle her to a hug crying. "I miss you sooooo much!"

We tackle her a hug. "Can't breathe you guys." She said laughing. Oh how I miss my weird girl.


They got off me and saw them crying. "Hey how about we stop crying and have a celebration of making Harry the Chief cook for us!" I said getting up to the kitchen till someone grab my wrist.

"Na-ah young lady tell us everything." Said Liam putting me down to the floor I miss terribly. Yes, that's right I miss this comfy carpet.

"Chris could you tell them the story I'm to lazy!" I called him. He sigh and sat next to me. I say the Doritos bag just siting there calling me. "Eat me Destiny." Said the Doritos bag. Yes, yes I would eat yea up mate.

"Alright she woke up on September 22 around the afternoon. She had to stay in the hospital for two days to make sure she'll be alright and the evil chick made me say that she died." Said Chris smirking at me eating the Doritos like a pig. I groan. "Every time I'm in a middle of eating you stare at me at a bad time that I'm making this weird face while eating!" I said like a grumpy kid.

I stared at Niall for awhile and just remembered his birthday past! "Omg Niall your birthday past! Uh uh happy late twenty birthday!" I said giving him a tight hug which he gladly return.

"But how did she get so tall she was only in a coma for about four months." Said Zayn staring at me. Everyone keep saying how tall I was and I look like a model. You know what's so funny I told the girls and jade that I woke before I told anyone else because there my babes.

Them after them I met Chris, Brittany, and Travis my boyfriend look like poop but not no more because he weird and not normal again which that's good to hear.

"Dude it's call a grow spurt." I said in a duh voice. That's what the doctor told me so I believe him because the last time I remember I was 5'4 but not I'm 5'6.

"Hey Harreh I'm almost tall as you!" I said poking his cheek repeatedly. "Why are you still here you suppose to be in the kitchen Hazza." I said poking his checks repeatedly he finally got annoyed and went to the kitchen. One point for destiny and zero for Hazza!

"Yea, what she said. Well gotta get going bye little sis." He said kissing my cheek and left. They were staring at me and its scary the day lights out if me. I awkwardly started eating my chips again.

"Guys I get it I look different but I'm still the same old little weird cheeky gal." I said putting my hair to a messy bun. Dam it's September already. Especially being in a coma is so boring there weren't any food like what's that all about!

"Sorry Destiny your just so tall and your  eyes color got more green then before." Said Zayn putting his hands up laughing. Wow Zayn doesn't look that beat up like last time when I saw him and Harry fighting being that memory made me flinch.

"Your alright Destiny?" Said Zayn looking at me worried. "Yea actually no dad could I talk to you some where private?" I said getting up. Zayn nodded his head and we walk upstairs in the boys game room.

"What's wrong Niall he look to skinny then I remember seeing him last time. How did the boys and you took it? What happen between you and Harry?" I said looking at home serious for once in my life time. Which is very scary.

"Niall wasn't eating that when you went to coma. The boys and us were mostly quite or not focusing during tour soon our fans notice, but if course our girls (directioners) found out why we were depressed. Every time we had a interview they talk about your coma Niall will either break down crying or walk out the stage. Yes me and Harry are alright okay. Now tel me why you flinch earlier?" He said fixing his nerdy glasses. Mhhmmm I should buy myself one of those.

"Uh because I remember the night when you guys fought...why were you guys fighting?" I said looking down at my hands. I bet it's going to be about me. It's always my fault.

"I told Harry what his ex-girlfriend said to you that night and he acted if he didn't care at all. So I scream at him which I knew would get him mad but I didn't really care. Then he hit my stomach so we started fighting." He said looking at me skipping the part of when Harry hit me by accidentally.

Again I flinch. "How about we don't talk about this. I really don't want to start my flinching habits okay." I said. He nodded his head and help me up.

I smelled the delicious food and ran downstairs. "FOOOOOOOOOOODDDD!!!!!" I scream the top of my lungs and started eating whatever was in front of me. All I know that it's delicious.

We talk joked around like old times and decided to have a movie night. "Let's watch a scary movie!" I said pointing at the ceiling and staring at it. Wow I never knew a ceiling could be this fun to stare at. "Tiny why are you staring at the wall?" Said Louis laughing.

"I have no idea!" I said laughing then I saw Louis for the corner of my eye joining me. I heard my phone saying I was tag on a picture and also Louis took out his iphone.

@Louis_tomlinson @OneDestiny:

These dorks! Xx

It was a picture of me and Lou pointing at the ceiling I like if course and reply 'But you love still love us! ;)' Liam reply back 'That's the problem :p '

"Hey who change my username!" I barely realize someone change it for sure I know the boys don't know my password. "Management! You know One Direction and One Destiny since your name starts with a 'D'." Said Niall confuse what he just said and I was to.

"That is so stupid! Well I'm changing it back to my old one and I don't care what management think cause they could kiss my arse!" I said.

We finally watch the scary movie 'Evil Dead' and I swear I pee my pants. "Heyyy l-lets watch a d-Disney m-movie." I said stuttering and running to turn on the lights.

"Lou what happen to my husky you bought me?" I said barely remember about that adorable dog. "Oh it's in my room. She probably sleeping." He said letting go of Harry hug. Aww what a Larry moment! What I ship them too....well I ship I lot of people. 

We watch all of the Toy Story movies and I felt my eyes closing. "Night my weirdos." I said closing my eyes and fell to sleep. I'm glad to be back.

Live while we're young! (1DOM Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now