Chapter 22: Not in service

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Chapter 22: Not in service


I'm so sad now.

Everyone left me here because they have 'important' things to do.

The phone rang and ran to it answering quickly.

"HELLOOOOO!" I said answering the phone and skip to the living room and turn on the TV. Oohh Monster Inc. my favorite! Ew my brothers movie.



It been a day and I already miss them so much. Yup I miss those dorks of mine, like c'mon their stupid, funny, and most of all they feed me food when ever I'm hungry which is mostly me and Niall who eats the kitchen.

"No Niall you can't-no she hadn't ate all the food- Harry she's fine- Louis stop hurting Liam and please everyone shut up!" Zayn said on the other line of the phone.

I back the phone a bit and pitot back to my ear laughing a bit. "Zayn you sound like Liam." I laugh flipping through the channels. Ugh every channel is basically talking about my brother.

"Please don't say that again." Zayn said sounding disappointed and tired.

"Zayn I'm practically talking to the other side of the world and if I'm messing up your beauty sleep I could go." I said going to twitter now.

Ooohh today's their movie premiere. Huh never thought I'll see the day of my brothers making a movie.

"No it's only like what three o'clock and the morning kiddo anyways-"

"Why are you guys up so late?" I ask scrolling down twitter seeing more hates then I get before.

He yawn very well loudly. "We have to make a new song and umm yeaa your right Tiny I'm...."

"Hello anyone alive?" I said confused did he fall asleep on me? I heard soft snores and soft laughter in the background.

"Sorry Destiny Zayn been having a very long day. We all miss you Tiny you know what me really cool-"

"No Louis I'm not going back to your with guys because apparently Harry doesn't want me there and remember the last tour he slap-" I got cut by hearing the phone hang up.

Well then......


The boys were talking to Destiny on speaker so we all could here her voice again.

Zayn was talking to Destiny but fell asleep while talking to her. We all laugh and Louis went to get the phone.

"Sorry Destiny Zayn been having a very long day. We all miss you Tiny you know what me really cool-"

"No Louis I'm not going back to your with guys because apparently Harry doesn't want me there and remember the last tour he slap-"

I got up an grab the phone away from Louis and hang it up not even letting her finish that sentence.

I sigh remembering that day from our last year tour. I shook my head not wanting to remember when I slap. It was a huge mistake I would never forget.

How could she forgive me so easily?

Knock knock

"Leave me alone." I mutter putting the pillow on my face. I just want to disappear from this awful world I'm living in.

"C'mon lad I bet she didn't mean-" I cut Liam off

"Liam c'mon I slap Tiny from last year tour and I mess it up again by calling her worthless! She left because of me!" I said hitting my head to wall over and over again.

I felt a hand on my forehead making me stop. "C'mon lad don't think that. Yea you screw up." I glared at him. "But the poor had a hard past you can't blame her." Liam said walking out.

I look at my laptop for awhile thinking what he said. I grab it and call Destiny through Skype. It kept ringing and ringing. Then it finally answer.

"Destiny I'm so sorry-hey are you okay?" I ask. Why is she under her bed?

"H-Harry help m-me." Destiny said whispering with fear in her voice.

I sat up quickly and felt more worried. "What's going on?" I ask worried. "Louis call the police station or something from London something?!" I said.

Louis and the boys came in running with worried faces. "What's going on?" Niall said sitting next to me.

"T-there's someone in the h-house." She said between sobs. "I saw two guys come in with something Harry I think it's the guys who beat me up my dads friends. They found me." She said whispering more quietly.

I look up to the guys with worried faces and Louis calling the police for help basically. But the problem is that we're in USA and she's at London.

My eyes widen. "Destiny just stay quiet okay just stay there and relax wait till they leave." I said trying to stay more calmly so she won't freak out.

Destiny took deep breaths but mostly came out shaking. She was terrified you could tell by her eyes she was.

The whole room fell silent. Destiny look to her left like if she heard something.

Her screen starting to get cut off now. I couldn't really see with all these stupid gray lines.

"Harry I think there gone." She smiled. "I think they left-"

User not in service

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