CHAPTER ELEVEN: Not feeling good and the food went missing!

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CHAPTER ELEVEN: Not feeling good and the food went missing!






I woke up the next morning feeling really sweaty and felt like a zombie coming back to life. I went to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror first off I look like shit. My olive skin look very pale which made my lips look really pink, my hair was like a hair nest, and my cheeks were really red. I felt something coming out of my mouth I ran to the toilet and started puking. I wipe off my mouth in disgust from the smell of puke in the toilet. I grab my pink penguin toothbrush and started cleaning out my mouth.

Ever since I started taking therapy two weeks ago I'd been having flashbacks and there we're really horrible since most of them is my own father beating me up to death. Accept this one dream of me and Chris was really horrible I don't even want to talk about it. Apparently for some reason I got my memory back about that one awful night and it's killing me that I'm keeping it all bottled up.

I ran back to my room and jump on my bed grabbing my iPhone. It was sic o'clock in the morning and sure thing everyone is asleep since its Saturday Sleep all Day. Great so what should I do, for sure I can't make any food since I suck at cooking and I'll probably burn the house down.

I guess I'll take a shower for the fun of it. I plug in my iHome and 'Become the Colour' by Emily Wells so I turn up the volume a bit. I love this song so much! I hop in the cold shower and put on shampoo on my hair and etc. I'm not going to tell you everything in detail yea weirdo's. I got out of the shower and dried off my hair and out as a messy bun. I put on some gray sweatpants with a black V-neck shirt that said in bold white 'My last clean shirt'. I think I grab this from Zayn during tour oh well it's my now since he never ask it back.

Ugh I still can't believe how some people could judge someone before even knowing them. I wish people could accept famous people as their self apparently that can't happen since people now in these days have to look perfect so they could be accepted. Which I find really stupid I hate todays society real bad. Epically I hate it how my brothers are getting cyber bully on twitter and worst part is that I can't do anything about it at all since Simone told me 'just ignore them Destiny' apparently that's to hard for me to handle.

I ran to the restroom and started puking again. I tried to get up but was to dizzy so I took deep breathes and sat down for awhile.

"Are you alright love?" I heard a very sleepy voice from Louis standing by the door rubbing his tired eyes. "I'm fine Louis just not feeling good." I said flushing the stinking toilet and went to brush my teeth again. He didn't look that approve from my answer so he kept staring at me weird. "You liar. Now tell me what's wrong with you missy!" he said practically grabbing me and  sat me down on my bed.

I sigh. "Fine Mr. Sassy-pants-from- I -don't-where-you-live," I said sticking out my tongue childish which the foolish kid he is stick out his tongue. "well it all started when I woke up this morning feeling and looking like shit as so ever like always- hey don't give me that look Louis- Where was I oh yea that's right, so after that I started puking." I said taking off my messy bun and let it loose it's wavy natural hair that was still red dip dyed.

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