CHAPTER THIRTEEN: What a monkey jerk

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CHAPTER THIRTEEN: What a monkey jerk


When I told the boys I'd been sick Zayn honestly been more distant from me which kind of breaks my heart since I really need his support at this point but decided to ignore me. What a monkey jerk huh. While the boys, Chris, Brittany, Finn and Jake the cheeky annoying twins been helping me around. I really didn't needed their help but I just let them be.

I went to the doctors and I had to take some nasty medication everyday but I don't think their will be some help at all. Everyday I'd became more weak and still had to intend school but had to quit since most of times I'll be sleeping or throwing up. Liam made me quit therapy since I told him that it's only brining back my flashbacks and imagine the boys as my father sometimes. So pretty much the last two weeks been like hell for me.

Me and the boys decided to have a movie night since they been really busy, also the fans been absolutely helpful since I'd became sick when I went to this one interview I basically only lasted half of the interview since I felt like throwing up then some Directioner had an idea to make a fundraiser for me and other people who are having the same sickness. I thought it was really sweet of her so I made the boys give her hugs and pictures.

"Lets watch Toy Story 2!" Liam screamed but everyone groan. "No lets watch Leprechaun Returns!" Niall said making scaring face. I shuddered when he said that, that movie is really creepy and scary especially the leprechaun he looks so ugly. (Search it up ppl you have to watch the creepy thing)

"Uhh lets watch The hunger Games!" I said doing jazz hands really fast that it made me really dizzy so I to close my eyes to make it stop.

"You okay Destiny?" I heard Niall voice concerned, I open my eyes and saw everyone staring at me except Zayn, I sigh. "Yea just got dizzy that's all, so lets The Hunger Games! Omg Louis Catching Fire is coming out in two weeks we should go and see it!" I said smiling to him with a puppy face that he can't resist.

"Fine." he said crossing his arms over his chest. "Hahaha suckers!" I said happily. "Just cause you used the puppy face." He mumble which made me giggle how childish he is although the oldest from the group.


We finish the movie and I was falling asleep till I felt someone carry me bridal style to upstairs. Who ever it was is my hero because I miss my sexy bed especially its hard for me to walk now since I got more weak.

I felt someone tucking me in and poke my cheek. "Destiny here's your medicine." I peek one eye open and saw the familiar curly hair boy handing me the disgusted medicine. "But I don't want to Harry. I'm tired taking these stupid medications their not even helping me, we all know I'm going to die." I said going back under my covers feeling myself going back to sleep.

"Destiny take it or no more Nando's." Harry said throwing my covers off. Ugh I hate when people use Nando's against me. I sigh and took the darn thing down my throat. "Night Tiny." he said pecking me cheek. I grab his wrist before he could walk out of my room. "Please stay." he nodded and laid down facing me. I wish I had curls.

"Harry why is Zayn not talking to me? Does he hate me now because I'm some freak whose sick and might end up dying?" I said grabbing Harry hand and started playing with his fingers. He has very large hands compare to my small ones.

He sigh. "No love he just...actually I really don't know what's going on with him he hadn't talk to no one also." Harry said I couldn't really see his face since it was really dark but his bright green eyes stood out the most. Why can't I have a pretty eyes like everyone else.

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