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"That isn't true.", Jasmine said.

"Yes it is!", I said throwing my hands in the air. "I wasted three months, waiting to see him! God," I said as I brought my face up to look at Jasmine, "who is she?". I just had to ask. Do I really want to know? More or less, I don't know who it is probably is, but I at least the vampire women has a name. I just want to know it.

Jasmine hesitated for a second before answering, "Her name Lena. She the daughter of a family friend of Master Lucas's family.",

I can't believe I'm going to ask this, "When did he propose to her?",

"He didn't.", Luna said.

I finally stop crying to give her a confused looked, "What do you mean? He had to ask her to marry him-"

"The marriage is arranged.",

I have an idea in who arranged it. "His parents? Why?",

"Because Master Lucas is going to be king soon.", Romy said, "And you need a wife if you want to become king.",

I looked down at the floor before asking, "Does he love her?",

All three of them hesitate, "We don't know.", Jasmine said. My heart broke down. He could have fallen in love with someone else. I wanted to scream again. A few more tear escape my eyes. "But, it's most likely he doesn't. He never really wants her around and when she is around, he pretty much ignores her. And every time she kisses him, he turned his head to the side.",

It doesn't really make anything better. I have only ever seen Lucas smile a few times, but I think that's just his personality.

"She loves him, huh.", I said, not really making it a question.

"Well if you call this love; spending so much time barraging about getting married to a prince and becoming queen and mostly spending time shopping.", Luna said. "And damn, she's just really annoying to.",

I wanted to laughing, but so much pain was inside me. She seems like the rich girls I knew at the college; always barraging about what they got and don't even appreciate it.

Anger was bowling up in me again and I snapped my head up at them, "Why did you guys come here?", I asked. They raised their eyebrows and looked at each other confused as they looked back at me. Jasmine was about to speak but I cut her off, "Did you just come to say I can never see Lucas again and break my heart even more?"

"Dorinda, we didn't-", Jasmine said, but I cut her off again.

"Don't,", I said, getting out of the chair. I know I shouldn't be taking my anger out on them, but I'm just so damn mad I had to take it out on someone. I know I'm going to feel really horrible later. "I'm was getting more comfortable being back home and now you ruin it.", I said as I walked off.

"Dorinda! Where are you going?", Jasmine called out to me.

"Home.", I said.

I didn't even bother to tell Cain to tell the manager I was leaving. But I don't really care, let them fire me.

Jasmine, Luna, and Romy didn't bother coming after me. I'm happy, I didn't want to keep yelling at them. I know it's what I would have done. I don't want to yell at them, but just finding out the guy I love getting married, an arranged marriage, and I have no chance with him anymore just made me outburst and they were right there.

It started raining again and I don't have my umbrella. It's to late to walk back to Starbuck now since I'm almost home now. But I was already stoked in matters of minutes. But I guess I'm lucky for the rain cause I started crying again.

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