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My cheek felt warm. He looks--different. He's at least an inch and half taller, a little bit muscular, his hair was a little bit longer, but that was the only thing that was the same.

He looks alive.

I noticed my arms were around his waist. Embarrassed, I pulled away and looked at the floor. "Sorry.", I said.

"What are you doing here?", he asked, his voice sounded normal, but I can hear the confusion, though.

"Uh, long story." I said. I couldn't look up at him. I was embarrassed and well--I not sure if I could help but stare at how much he looks. He doesn't look like the same old Liam he was before. He looks better.

His tattoo looked so perfect on his skin. He wasn't tan tan, but he wasn't pale anymore.

His hand touched my arm, "Did Master Lucas bring you back here?", he asked.

A lump formed in m throat and my eyes started to water again. I shook my head. Why did I have to run out of there? I probably looked so pathetic.

His hand went under my chin and left my face to look at him. "Are you okay?", he asked.

I rubbed under my right eyes as a tear came out and finally able to speak, "Yeah.", I said.

"Dorinda!", I heard Lucas call my name down a few hallways away. I gasped to myself and grabbed Liam arm and ran towards a nearest closet. Once I found one, I opened it and pushed Liam inside and went in, closing the door behind me.

I can't talk or see Lucas right now, if I do, I'll break down crying and I don't want that to happen.

"Dorinda!", I heard him call my name again.

Liam was about to say something, but I covered his mouth with my hand and with my other hand, I brought my index finger up to my lip in a 'shh' way. He looked confused, but did as I said.

I looked down at the door, where I could see Lucas run by. I herd his feet going down the hallways and turning a hallways.

I didn't forget that if I'm around a pixies, I vampire couldn't sense me. Thank God.

Once I knew Lucas should be far away, I let out a breath I realized I was holding in. I moved my hand away from Liam mouth, a little more embarrassed by it.

Liam asked, "Wass's up?",

I sighed deeply to myself as I leaned against the closet door and slide down it. I hate this feeling. Being away Lucas. I hate hiding from him. I wanted to leave this closet, go after him and tell him I love him so much.

I want to wrap my arm around his neck and kiss him.

But then the image of Lena arm linked with his hurt my chest.

"Dorinda, "Liam said, sliding down next to me, "what's going on?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. I really don't. I only came back here because King Luka wanted to see me.",


"And,", I started, but I looked at Liam in face. I not going to tell him I saw Lena and Lucas together. I want to talk to him before I go on about Lucas. "Liam, I'm sorry.", I said, looking into his green eyes and I could feel new tear forming.

"Hey," he said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling my into his chest.

"You probably hate me. I almost got you-", I couldn't bring myself to say it. I could before, but not with him next to me.

My eyes got so water, I couldn't hold them in anymore. My tears slide down my cheek onto his white shirt.

He smooth my hair with his fingers, "I don't hate you, I could never hate you."

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