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I stepped into the bathroom and quickly turned on the hot water. I pressed the palm of my hands against the sink and tired to control my urges to run back into Lucas arms.

I felt that lonely feel again, but I ignored it. This bound of ours is so hard! Why is this even happing to us? What makes us so different? He's just a normal--aside from being a prince--vamp and I'm a normal human girl.

The gold necklace caught my eye, it dangled and the heaviness of it made my neck feel a little stiff so I slipped over my head and laid it down on the sink counter. I'm safe, Lucas is here--well, in my bedroom--he's not going to let anything bad happen to me. I know that for sure.

The steam from the shower start to fog the mirror up just a little. I reached down in the cabinet under the sink and grabbed the raspberry body wash and garnier shampoo and conditioner. I also grabbed two towel from the covert.

I than stripped off my cloths and hopped into the shower. The hot water hit my back and it felt so good. It felt like a back massage.

I pulled my now damp hair to one side so the water hit the back of my neck and I rubbed my shoulder, realizing I felt a knot close to my neck. It hurt, but it also felt good after a moment.

I than heard my door click open. God, please tell me Lucas did not come in here! I pulled the curtain of the shower aside a little and popped out my. My eyebrow forward together, "What the..", I trailed off confused. Not one was in here. I swear I herd someone come in.

When I was about to lean back in the shower, I felt a tap on shoulder. I gasped, turning around and quickly covered my chest with my arms. No one. What the hell?

Again, I felt a tap on my shoulder and I didn't hesitate. I quickly turned around and gasped again. Lucas stood there...naked.

My cheek flamed and I tired to keep my eyes on his face and not his body. "What are doing in here?", I whispered for some reason.

He brought his index finger up to his lip and made a 'shh' sound?

"Lucas, you can't be in here-", I started, but he cut me off by leaning down and kissed me. I was about to protest when Lucas pressed me against the wall. I opened my closed eyes and spoke again, "Lucas, I'm serious, you can't-",

"I looove you.", he said, his voice echoing, but I couldn't hear well with the water hitting the shower floor. Ugh, the water made his hair stick to his face and a little longer and it just made him sexier looking.

We made eye contact and my heart speeded up when both of his hands took both of my wrist and moved them away from my chest.

Lucas closed his eye and leaned down to kiss me and he did hesitated to stick his tongue in my mouth and pressed me hard against the wall. Both my hands went to his neck and a moan escaped threw my lips.

I can't believe I'm doing this. I shouldn't be thinking about having sex in the shower with Lucas. I shouldn't even making out with him in the shower! He should be in my room watching tv or reading one of my magazines or something! Even, I have I to much in my mind to be kissing him right now.

It also felt right though. I should be kissing Lucas, he is my boyfriend anyways. I can do whatever I want with him. And at least I can get in a make out session with him before he leave again for how long. I know I shouldn't have a big ego or something, but I hope Lena would smell me and get all jealous. She deserve to be the jealous one. I hope it pissing her off so bad.

"You don't want him, you want me.", I heard a familiar voice echoing against my lip. I took in a sharp breath and I opened my eyes. It was Cain.

I quickly pushed him away, covering my chest again. I was to embarrassed and confused to say anything and my heart was beating like a cannon. And what did he mean by wanting him and not Lucas?

Sweet Silent Night.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz