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'Dear mom and dad,

Doctor Marshall mention I should hang out at a friend house this week. So I'm going over to a girl house I work with, her name is Ally. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you guys, I didn't want to bother you both at work. Have a good night. -Dorinda.'

I laid the note right in the middle of the coffee table and Kayla was raising her sweater up. I raised an eyebrow, "What are you doing?", I asked.

She pulled her sweater over her head I saw a normal pink v-neck shirt. "Sorry, I couldn't stand wearing that. You ready?",

"Uh," I said, looking down at my work uniform, "Maybe I should change.",

"We have no time, Dorinda. I'll let you borrow something of mine.", she took my hand and reached into her pocket, pulling out something that looked like diamond, but it was crystal blue. She placed it on the floor and crushed it with her foot. A second later, a portal that was the size of a door pop up. It was like the one I went throw with Lucas when I came back, but this one was a baby blue color with a mixture of purple. "Ready?", she asked.

I nodded my head, "Yeah."

Then we step through the portal.

30 seconds later...

I stepped out of the portal nice and straight without falling this time. But I think it's only cause I was holding onto Kayla. I took in my surroundings, we were in a room I don't remember. It was a good descent size room with a good queen size bed with a beautiful gold and white comforters with a beautiful design on it. A nice normal size tv. A slide closet and the walls were wooden as the floor were to.

"Are we in Lucas palace?", I asked Kayla as she walked over to a closet.

She slide open the closet door, "Yeah. This room is in higher palace where guest use to come and stay, but guest now prefer the newer ones, so I'm sleeping here pretty much.". She pulled out a olive color sundress with strapped gold flat sandal. "Here, put this on.",

My forehead wrinkled, "Why?", I asked, taking it though.

She put her hand on her hip, "Cause you can't go to the King and Queen dressed in a Starbucks uniform--and why did you even start working there.? You sink of coffee and cake.", she said, covering her nose.

"Well.", I said, unbutton my shirt, "I didn't want to be at home alone all the time. I hate the feeling of being alone.", I said. As I took off my shirt and pant, I notice Kayla face expression. Sad. "You okay?", I asked.

"How are my parents and John?", she asked, looking at the floor.

I hesitated before putting on the dress and answering, "Their um--they miss you.", I said, throwing the dress on. I had to suck in my stomach just a little cause it was a little tight. I finally notice how flat her stomach has gotten. The skirt of the dress went all the way to my knee.

"Are they doing well?",

Her parent's are a wreck. Her mother quiet teaching. Her father started drinking. Her brother, John, is getting into trouble at school. I don't know if I could tell her that. "They're doing okay. They're kind of mad at me.",

She looked up at me, "Why?",

"Cause," I said, sitting on the bed, "I told everyone I was kidnapped and didn't know where I was. That I didn't know where I was and the guy kept me up and blind folding me and I didn't who he was. I told them I couldn't remember anything and I was mostly drugged out. I mean, I couldn't just tell them I was kidnapped by a freaking vampire was in a world filled with vampire.", I told her as I saw her face turned into confusion.

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