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Cain and me walked next to each other in awkward silence as we walked to his apartment. After I told him I might have a chance with Lucas, he flipped and said it was a bad idea. I told him there was no agreement yet, but that didn't calm him down. He went off saying how it was a stupid idea and to think about my parents and family. I yelled back saying I am and that I'll miss them, but I love Lucas.

So, he hasn't talk to me yet since we left my house. I wanted to walk with him cause I didn't want to be home alone after fighting. I'm hoping Cain will actually have say something to me soon cause it was just killing me.

It was night time. Since there's a time difference in the Shadow Covern, it was eleven am there and eleven pm here.

"Cain, please just talk to me.", I pleaded.

He just looked forward ahead with an angry look, "I can't.",

"Wouldn't you give up anything to be with the person you love if you had the chance?", I asked.

Cain stopped dead in his track, making me stop with him. He looked at me with a serious look, "Of course I would.",

"Then you have to understand what I'm going through.",

"Well, I don't.", he said hard, "You have so many opportunities and you giving them up...for him.",

"I'm giving them up so I can be with the person I love and care deeply for.", I spat, getting mad that Cain couldn't be happy for me.

"Sorry if I want my best friend to live a normal life.", he said back, "I just want you to be able to be happy. I want you to go back to college. Get a doctors or law degree. I want you to meet a nice guy--a human guy--have kids and get married.",

"Your not my father, though!", I said, throwing my hands in the air, "I'm a big girl! I don't need a lecture! Stop treating me like I'm about to inject some drug in me or have one night stands.", I said, hitting at his chest angrily.

He grabbed my wrist of the hand I hit him with, "Your making the wrong decision by being with him in the first place.", he said seriously.

"Oh yeah?", I snapped, "What's the right decision for me? Tell me Cain!"

"To be with someone who's right for you!",

"Who else is right for me but Lucas?", I yelled.


I was taken back. My eyes widen with shock as I stared at him. Did he really just say that? No, Cain couldn't want to be with me. No. He's my friend and only my friend. He doesn't care about me in that way. I know he doesn't.

Wait, is that why he wanted me to kiss him before? Oh shit.

"Dorinda, I'm right for you.", he said calmly, looking down in my eyes, "I'm tired of watching Lucas put his hands all over you. I'm the right guy for you. Your parents love me and I'm your best friend-",

"Stop it.", I said, taking my hand out of his grasp. "Why are you telling me all this now.", I said more to myself cause I couldn't believe what I'm hear and turning to walk home, but Cain grabbed my both of my arms and turned my around.

He pulled me back to him, "Dorinda, just listen to me!",

I hit angrily at his chest, "Let me go.", but he didn't, so I kept hitting him.

But he was stronger, "Please, just hear me out.",

I now began to move around, trying to get out of his grasp, "I don't want to listen to this.",

"Dorinda-Dorinda, I'm in love with you!", he yelled.

I froze and my eyes bugled out. It's was one thing to say he wanted to be with me, but it was a whole different thing when he say he's in love with me. "W-what?",

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