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Three days later....

I was sitting on my bed, my back pressed against the wall with my knees pressed against my chest and was chewing on one of the strings of m hoodie as Ally walked around my room, trying to think of what to talk about. She was here to give me my last paycheck I'll be getting from Starbucks. I couldn't work there anymore. I have to much on my head to be working right now.

Ally was now over my mirror as she looked throw the pictures hang in the edges or was tapped on my mirror, "Wow, I never knew Cain was good at taking pictures. You look beautiful in all of theses.",

"Thanks.", I mumbled. I didn't feel like talking right now. I'm to depressed and I'm so worried about Cain. It's been three days! Why hasn't Lucas brought him back? I know for sure that's what he would have done. So...what's going on in the Shadow Coven? Jeez, I'm so anxious to know what's happening right now and if Cain's even alive still!

Ally turned around, she was frowning, "I'm sorry, Dorinda. I shouldn't have mention him. I can't believe he's still missing. I wonder where he could be.", she said, her voice gave it away that she was worried about him.

Earlier today the cops came over to my house, asking if I knew where he would be. It was like Kayla all over again. I just plan out told them no and went back to my, thanking God my parents were home before they left for work and they said now isn't the time.

"Me too.", I mumbled again. But sadly, I knew where he was. His idiot self just had to just into that portal. I wonder what idiotic idea came in his head to do that to.

Awkward silence filled the room. Ally hesitated before sitting down on the edge of my bed. I couldn't stop myself from looking at her bare shoulder, her beautiful big flower outline tattoo showing on her shoulder.

"When did you get that?", I asked, looking at her shoulder.

"Uh,", she said, rubbing her hand against her tattoo, "A long time again...haha...it doesn't matter.", she nervously said. What's up with her?

I looked at suspiciously as she continued giving nervous fake chuckles as she looked at me and quickly looked away. "You okay? You look...anxious.", I told her.

"I not anxious. Hey, who's that from?", she asked, changing the subject. Her eyes went down to the locket.

"Cain, it was his birthday persent for me.", I said, picking the locket up with my thumb and index finger.

"It's beautiful, unlike that creepy snake one.", she said, chuckling.

I let the locket down, "I love them both.", I said, referring to my necklaces and my voice was kind of hard though. It made her jump a little. "I'm sorry Ally. I shouldn't have snapped.",

"It's okay. It's just the necklace is a symbol for vam-", she quickly shut her mouth and looked away.

"A symbol for what?", I asked automatically. I leant up on my bed to be closer to her. Was she just going to a symbol for vampires? "What did you say?",

"Uh, nothing.", she said, quickly getting up from my bed and brushing her red skinny jeans. "I have to go.",

"Ally, wait!", I said.

She turned around to look at me, "Dorinda, I'm sorry, but I have to go-",

My head quickly snapped to the glass of water that stood on a desk next to my bed. Without even thinking, I reached over and grabbed it. I did the craziest thing and splashed it on her back.

She screamed in shock and froze, but recovered herself. But I acted faster and jumped on her back, making us both fall onto the floor. "Dorinda, get off me!", she screamed, struggling to get me off of her, but I put dead weight on her.

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