32 | All Tingly Inside

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Dedicated to kandidly for voting Unexpected chapters relentlessly.

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"What did you say to him then?" Cassie asked.

Me, Therese and Cassie are staying in my room because I was having a mild panic attack about everything that just happened. I asked Natalia to call them and tell them to come here and when they arrived, I told them what happened.

"I... I said that I'll go out with him," I said worriedly. I had my face in my hands because I was literally freaking out about the whole thing.

The two of them squealed and jumped up and down my bed. They were obviously too happy because they kept squealing and jumping up and down even if I was glaring at the both of them.

"I'm freaking out here and you both are just squealing over there," I complained.

"Of course we are! You two are getting back together!" Therese shouted.

"It's just one date," I said. "Just for the sake of being civil to one another."

"Oh really? I think you're lying," Cassie teased. "You're freaking out because you know there's going to be a lot of tension between the two of you."

Therese smirked and pinched my arm.

"Ow!" I complained.

"I'm so happy for you! Why can't you just accept him again so all these problems between the two of you will just vanish," she said as if it was the best idea she's ever had.

"And you had to pinch me?" I asked.

"Yes," she said and flipped her hair. "Now, come on! We need to make you look divine!"

I looked at them as I swallowed nervously. They were both clutching hair brushes and looked like they were ready to attack. I backed away slowly but realized that I had been cornered.

"Seriously, there's no need for that," I said. "I can do with just a high bun and a coat."

"You won't go on a date with your Prince Charming looking like a person who just got out of bed," Therese said.

"Prince Charming?" I scoffed.

 I had my eyes closed for a split second and they were already attacking.

* * *

"There," Cassie said as the both of them looked at me. "Therese, I think you can remove the ropes now."

I rolled my eyes at them as Therese untied my hands.

"Finally," I muttered.

"Be thankful we didn't use handcuffs," Cassie said.

"Whatever," I said. "So can I go now? You said that Nate texted like 10 minutes ago."

"He did," she said. "And now, you're just on time. So get up and get outside. Nate's waiting for you in his car outside."

"Fine," I answered, rolling my eyes at them and getting my handbag and grabbing my phone from Cassie's hand.

"Don't be a grumpy pants," Therese said. "At least now you look a bit casual."

I looked in the mirror and saw the clothes they dressed me up in. I was wearing a black coat, stockings and some sturdy boots. They even had the courage to put a beanie on my head. I've never worn a beanie for quite some time because I always dressed up in formal wear since I'm always going to meetings. The press would have a field day seeing the princess wearing a beanie to a meeting.

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