Chapter 8- Treeline [Vikk]

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We're even now. Although it's true, I hate to say it. Both teams are down to seven members, thanks to our attack. My revenge plan.

It was going well, if you could say that. We were winning, and they were losing. Then they'd tried to run. They ran, and rescued their friends if they were battling. The boy in the grey and black hoodie was about to go down, we all knew it. And then, in a few seconds, instead of one more dead red, we had one more dead blue. Ali didn't stand a chance, really. That boy just charged at him, straight on, and cut open his stomach.

But It makes our teams equal, anyway.

We stand at the lagoon, the three dead bodies on the sand before us. Two reds, one blue. We've pulled off their bands, but left on the red's armour. We're not savages.

One of them was just a child, really. Couldn't have been more than sixteen years old. The other was only slightly older.

I felt sick thinking about it.

I hate this. I hate having to kill people, even if they're not innocent. If this had happened any other way, we could have been friends.

Ali's body is there too. We put on a new tunic, to cover the wound, but the sand is still stained red under him.

"We're not evil. Maybe the reds are, or maybe they've been mislead. We're not going to make these reds unrecognisable. We're not going to leave them to rot. We're going to give them a proper goodbye, as we would do for our own team."

Mat stands before us. It would usually be rob doing the speeches, but he's still recovering.

At the edge of the beach, where the trees start, we've dug a trench. A little way next to it, two more stand open.

I turn away as they start to bury the bodies. Once the fist layer of dirt is covering each grave, I help brayden lean down into each trench and place a flower bulb. They are, at the moment, dull and brown, but soon enough these will sprout into beautiful plants. Looking over to Nade's grave, I can already see the first green shoots poking up through the dark soil.

At the head of each grave, Mitch has carved a wooden sign, with the name and team of each one, as well as the cause of their death.

I can see many people crying, but we're all silent, as the last few layers of dirt cover the graves.

Its a seven versus seven now, so maybe we stand a chance. Maybe we can get through this all, as a team, and come out on the other side.


The sun starts to dip over the horizon, and, as the burial is finished, we trudge back across the sand towards the Cabana.

Speedy and side cross the water to their own house, Mitch runs across the bridge to his hut, and Brayden swims to his pirate ship. Mat and I stay at the Cabana, leaning on the milky-white glass walls.

"Vikk, i'm gonna check on rob. Will you be okay out here?"

I nod, and Mat climbs to his feet, heading to the hospital.

I have to speak to someone. But who?

Mat's with Rob, and the others have all run off to their houses.

Oh. I know who else there is.

I feel my heart thumping in my chest as I gather up my sword and pull on a leather cap.

There's some mumbling from the makeshift hospital room, but otherwise the night is silent as I sneak down the ladder, landing gently on the sand.

I glance to my right, seeing a torch go out in Mitch's cabin.

And then I take off. Nobody will see me, it's so dark. I reach the grasslands quickly, and scamper through them, avoiding the zombies. When I reach the bridge, I take a look back in the direction of the lagoon. It'll take them a while to realise i'm gone, and even then, I suppose they'll think I went for a walk. Which would be true, technically.

Running full-speed, I pass over the blue bridge and through spawn in under five minutes. The red bridge looks mysterious in the moonlight, but I step on to it anyway.

When I reach the red island, there is no sound, no sign of life. I run through their forest, passing through the shadows like a thief. And then I reach the other side. The field of flowers is a lot more ominous this time, in the dark. There are several houses that line the edge.

Oh god, which one is Lachlan's? There's no way I can just check in all of them, I'd be caught for sure.

I'm just about to turn back when I catch a glimpse of a red hoodie, running through the flowers. I'm about to step out, to reveal my self to him, but I stop my self.


That's not Lachlan.

I scoot further back into the shadows, so the red can't see me, and watch him.

He passes through the field and goes into the trees at the other side then disappears. That's when I realise. That's not a red. That's Mitch.

What could he be doing here? My first thought is; He followed me, but no, he seems to be heading somewhere deliberately. I creep around the clearing, following the tree line, and then walk straight through the forest.

Where could Mitch have gone?

And suddenly I hear it. A clash of swords. I quickly draw my own, ready to defend Mitch, if he's been attacked, and run up the hill, where I can see Mitch and a red fighting. I step behind a tree, so they don't see me, and watch.

It's weird. They're fighting, but not hard. I see several times when Mitch doesn't go for the kill, where he normally would have. The other boy's swings should have killed Mitch by now, but every time, they seemed to just not connect.

Slowly, I put together the pieces and realise they're not battling to kill, but for fun. This is confirmed when the battle ends, and they both stop and shake hands. They then sit on the floor and begin to talk. I'm too far away to hear their conversation, but I dare not move any closer.

And then, just as I'm debating whether to run or stay, the red pulls Mitch closer and they kiss.

I avert my eyes, a mixture of emotions running through me.

Confusion, happiness, regret, betrayal, and relief. Relief mainly; that Lachlan and I aren't the only ones who are breaking the rules.

I slowly step back towards the tree line, about to turn home.

And then a hand clamps over my mouth, and I am pulled into the shadows.

*Authors note: Ooh cliffhanger! Yay!*

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