Christmas Wish Lists

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Direct Message from SnowWhite to BelleFrench, BraveMerida, CaptainHook, EmmaSwan, HenryMills, LiamJones, MrGold, NealCassidy, PirateMilah, PrinceCharming, ReginaMills, RobinOfLocksley, ThatVioletGirl, TheSeer

SnowWhite: Hey guys I need everyone's Christmas lists so I can go Christmas shopping!!!!

HenryMills: 1. A Bamboo Pillow
2. Blurryface CD
3. A dwarf hamster
4. Another dwarf hamster so my first one has a friend
5. A white Christmas
6. A Bamboo Pillow
7. Star Wars legos
9. A Harry Potter wand
10. A Bamboo Pillow
11. A light saber
12. A trumpet
13. New headphones
14. A Bamboo Pillow
15. A Bamboo Pillow
16. Another Bamboo Pillow

PrinceCharming: You


SnowWhite: So I'm getting Henry six bamboo pillows and that's it?

ReginaMills: He doesn't need six bamboo pillows

ReginaMills: Or a light saber

ReginaMills: Or a trumpet

ReginaMills: If anyone gets Henry a trumpet, it's staying at Emma's house

EmmaSwan: Why me?!

ReginaMills: Because no trumpets are allowed in my house

EmmaSwan: What if Robin gets Henry a trumpet?

RobinOfLocksley: I wasn't planning on it

SnowWhite: So right now, I'm getting Henry about six Bamboo Pillows and no one else anything?


EmmaSwan: 1. Tenrose
2. Season two of Doctor Who on DVD
3. Ten and Rose Doctor who comic
4. Tenth Doctor Pop! figure
5. Mobile Orchestra by Owl City CD
6. A new copy of Divergent (preferably hardback)
7. More Tenrose
8. Ten roses (girls love getting flowers from their boyfriends, Killian. Just saying...)
9. Talking Dreams (Deluxe) by Echosmith CD
10. A Bamboo Pillow
11. A Very Monkey Christmas to come on TV
12. Handwritten by Shawn Mendes CD
13. 1989 by Taylor Swift CD
14. Even more Tenrose
15. A Wii U
16. Chocolate (another thing girls love getting from their boyfriend)
17. Into the Woods Soundtrack

CaptainHook: Guess I'm getting Emma roses and chocolate

ReginaMills: This isn't Valentine's Day...

SnowWhite: So what do YOU want for Christmas, Regina?

ReginaMills: 1. Clara to be in the Doctor Who Christmas special
2. Snow to stop being so obsessive over Outlaw Queen
3. Cora to stop shipping SwanQueen
4. Whouffaldi
5. Twelfth Doctor Pop! figure
6. Sherlock Pop! figures
7. Doctor Who season 8 DVD
8. Doctor Who season 9 part 1 DVD
9. Whouffaldi

RobinOfLocksley: How am I supposed to buy you a ship?

ReginaMills: You're smart, you can figure it out

SnowWhite: I still need a list from Robin, Killian, Liam, Belle, Gold, Merida, Neal, Milah, Violet, and the Seer

LiamJones: 1. To not be dead after hiatus ends
2. To get out of this messy family drama that I don't understand

SnowWhite: How about a nice new jacket?

LiamJones: Sure

ReginaMills: You're not supposed to tell people what you're getting them for Christmas

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