Chapter 1

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Jupiter P.O.V.

"Aww...You're a real cutie, you know that right?" I pet the puppy's black and white fur.

Ermegerd he's so cute. I wonder how he would look in a costume...

Suddenly I see a red and black haired girl running toward me. "Zwei! You had me worried! Don't run off like that!" She picked him up and hugged Zwei to her chest.

"I'm so sorry for my dog, he's just really curious sometimes. I'm Summer Rose," She says, holding her hand out to shake. I take it and tell her, "Jupiter Taurus, prankster expert. You have a really cute puppy, you know?"

"Thanks," Is her reply. Then I see a pale white haired boy tackle her from behind, "Gotcha!"

Summer chuckled and lifted him off her shoulders. "This is my little brother Garnet. Garnet, this is Jupiter." He waved and I returned the gesture.

"So you're going to Beacon as well?" He asks.

"Yep. How'd you make it in? I thought nobody under 17 could get in."

He shrugs. "I heard Headmaster Ozpin lowered the age limit so anyone 13 and up could get in. Plus I passed the acceptance test, so that helps too."

We hear a voice beginning a speech, and we look over and see a hologram of Mrs. Goodwitch.

"Hello and welcome to Beacon. My name is Glynda Goodwitch. You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious acadamy! Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future hunters and huntresses, it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world." The hologram vanishes, and everyone is left with the speech.

"Welp. So that happened. Is anyone else hungry?"

"Hey, want to help us find the auditorium? I think it would be better if we did, so we don't get lost." Garnet speaks up as we walk off the airship.

"Sure Marshmallow," I say and I know he's giving me a dirty look but I don't look over. "Well then we better get going, we're getting left behind!" Summer shouts.


Merry Belated Christmas! This is what I get for staying up until 1 in the morning writing and watching NCIS. And eating chocolate, but that's not the point. Hope you have a happy holidays! See ya in the next chapter!

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