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Guess what. I got tagged again. Blame AlwaysEpic for that. So five facts about me huh. Here we go!

1. I want to be either a marine biologist or herpitologist because SNAKES.

2. The majority of my family doesn't know I'm a geek. Including my dad.

3. I have a long list of animes that I know a lot about but haven't seen.

4. I take art class but can't draw. I WANTED to take Photography but I had to take this first. Thanks to all people who can actually do that.

5. My main motivation for getting into any fandom is if either I see it everywhere *cough* RWBY *cough* or if the fandom is known for being weird *cough* Marvel *cough*

I have no idea most of who I'm tagging but here goes. I nominate for the spread of the tag plague angeltano112 therealjasontodd Bmo-Love and finally,
 Raven_The_Saiyan. Good luck with that.

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