Chapter 3

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Tsuyoi P.O.V.

"Ugh..." I groaned. Waking up on the floor in a sleeping bag is the best way to start the day. "Wake up, before I drag you to breakfast," I hear someone say. I make no move to get up, and the person hovering over me sighs.

"Too bad, I heard there was going to be waffles for breakfast, but I guess I'll just have all of yours." At that I shoot up and attempt to untangle myself from the sleeping bag.

I finally get out of that torture device and start running to a particular door that I have no idea where it goes to, but I get yanked back.

"You might want to get dressed first, unless you want to go in there looking like a hoard of grimm attacked you," I turn to face my annoying but true best friend.

"Kira, you know I don't care what I look like. All that matters now are waffles. And bacon," I tell her. "Well if Glynda catches you like that she'll make you get dressed anyways, so you might as well.

Kira, as usual, is ready to go. I swear that girl can pack a whole academy uniform in a ring box. She hands me my battle outfit and bathroom stuff.

"Bathrooms are over there, I'll wait until you get done," She says pointing to the door I was about to go into earlier. "You can go on ahead, you know. I might be awhile." She shakes her head, "Nah. Plus social situations aren't my thing, as you already know."

"Fair enough." I walk over to the bathrooms, get on my battle outfit, consisting of a red and white kimono that cut off at the knees with red leggings with my hair pulled into a tight french braid. After I wash up, I walk back out to see all my stuff packed up and ready to go.

"I figured you might use some help, seeing as you're so eager to eat," Kira smirks and hands me my duffel bag. I take it and thank her.

We follow the line of students trailing into yet another room. We grab some plates and pile them up with waffles and bacon, and Kira grabs some extra fruit. I scarf down the food while she takes her time. Typical.

"Well save some for the others, geezum," she states, looking at my plate.

"Well hurry up! I can't wait until Ozpin launches us off a freaking cliff," I say. "I know right?!" Kira answers with just as much sarcasm.

After we finish we head to the locker rooms, and start searching for our numbers.

"621...621..." Kira mutters. We pass a few people on the way there that either look too innocent to hurt a fly or they could take on an Ursa bare handed.

"Fina-flippin-ly! Took us long enough!" Kira shouts running over to our lockers. "At least we found them after the flood of students came in. Your slow eating really did help us!" I say pointedly.

"Oh shush, Miss I'm-going-to-take-forever-to-wake-up," She retorts. "Touché," The speakers scream at us to go out to where the launch pad is.

We start walking, and next thing I know, a guy knocks us both over and lands on our backs. "Do you mind?" I ask him as the mystery person is getting up off us. "Sorry, sorry! Why do I always mess up in front of girls?!"

Now that I get a good look at him, he kinda looks like a male Neo. Except he has brown hair, and weird pink eyes. I've seen Neo enough times to know what she looks like. He gives out both his hands and helps us both up.

"So, now that we aren't on the floor, what's your name?" He asks. "Tsuyoi." "Kira." We answer. "Nice. My name is Choc. My sister over there is Strawberry," He looks over behind us to look at a girl about a year older with pink hair and brown eyes.

"So, are you thinking of who will be on your team?" I ask. "Nope, just thinking of people that I'll like," He says. He's more socially awkward than Kira, and it's weird. I thought she was the most shy person ever, and I've been proven wrong.

"I think we should go to the launching platform now. Everyone else is gone." Kira finally speaks up. We all look around around to see that, in fact, everyone else is gone.

"Good idea," I lead us out of Beacon and to the launch pads.

We get on the empty squares left in the ground, and this time Glynda speaks. "As I'm sure you've all heard, there will be teams, and they will be given today. The first person you make eye contact with when you land will be your partner for the rest of your time at Beacon," I look and see mixed reactions. If I see a jerk when I get down there I'm going to punch him and keep going. "There will be tomes in the forest temple, you may use any means to get there. Good luck, and try not to get eaten."

Glynda turns on her heel and looks over the cliff. I look over to Kira and nod, and she nods back.

And of course I'm the first to be launched off the cliff.



Staying up until 2:30 in the morning writing this because I have no school since my school system flips out every time it snows. "OHMYGOSH IT'S SNOWING SHUT EVERYTHING DOWN ASAP." They're the reason there is no need for drama class. And I'm running out of songs from the RWBY soundtrack so there's an AMV. See you in the next update!

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