Chapter 8

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Summer P.O.V.

Alright, there's Gemhead, Axe Girl, Genderbent Ozpin, Apocalypse, Bunny Girl, Blue Sun, Chocolate Bar and... Alright, where's Sugar Rush. If she goes unsupervised who knows what'll happen.

"Ooh! Ooh! I found someone!" Speak of the Devil and she shall appear. Well, not really speak, but you get the point. I look where she's pointing to see my cousin flying through the air. Last I checked, he was a cat Faunus, not a bird Faunus. Knowing him, he'll probably get stuck in a tree.

Yep, there he goes, and there's the tree, ugh. Does anyone have a ladder? Stretching Semblance? No? Crap.

The girl he's with does a flip and lands gracefully on the ground, as apposed to Bryan smacking into a tree and hanging on for dear life. New Girl took the ribbon from around her waist and flicked it toward Bryan. The ribbon wrapped around his legs and she yanked, effectively pulling him to the ground. On his face. I think I'm going to like her.

"Can you stop with the ribbon thing?! I'm pretty sure I have bruises where nobody should! Unless its in bed, with you," He winked at Bow Girl, and she did the perfect eye roll in annoyance. Oh yeah, I'm going to love her.

"You can give up now, I'm not giving you the time of day," Bow Girl replied, but she doesn't know my idiot cousin doesn't know when to give up, "But you can give me the time of night~" He attempted to flirt, and Bow Girl looked about ready to slap him. I don't really blame her.

As Bryan got up and dusted himself off, a few Grimm from the temple split off and came toward us. An Ursa, two Death Stalkers, and a flaming Boarbatusk? Behind me I heard Bunny Girl say, "Not these guys again..." "I'm just surprised they aren't dead by now," Apocalypse commented, and yet she still had a bored look on her face. Does she have any other emotions besides that and a death glare?

So they made the flaming Boarbatusks? I've gotta ask them about that later. Actually, nevermind. I really don't want to know.

"Anyways, let's just kill these guys. I need to find Kira. Knowing her, she probably knows what happened here." Axe Girl commented. Yeah, we need to find her. 

Without hesitating, I launched myself into the air and took Blade Rose out of the holsters on my hips. Looking back at the others I saw them do the same. I'm so proud of my baby brother! Slicing the head off an Ursa like his first day of training!

I landed on the head of one of the Death Stalkers and jumped again, cutting off the stinger off. Twisting and landing back on my feet, Sugar Rush shot under the head and Bunny Girl helped flip it over with her whip, letting Chocolate Bar punch and Axe Girl cut through the underbelly. Where the heck did he even get gauntlets from?!

So that leaves one more Death Stalker and one Boarbatusk on fire. And now Bunny Girl's whip is on fire. Everything's going to heck in a hand basket, whatever that means.

Jupiter suddenly picked me up and flung me right over the Boarbatusk. "What in the world was that for?!" I yelled, but still slammed Blade Rose together to form a rifle, and shot at the flaming Grimm. The Grimm then started levitating. I landed and took advantage of the floating flaming Boarbatusk and shot at the belly. Jupiter jumped, barely missing my bullets, and sliced it open from front to back. It slammed onto the ground faster than I knew gravity could pull it down. I saw Jupiter smirk from the corner of my eye.

Turning over I saw the others finishing off the last Death Stalker. No other rouge Grimm came at us though. But I did hear some of them screeching in pain. Hopefully.

The pyramid of Grimm wavered and a few fell off but still joined the others. I'm pretty sure whoever is in there is trying to get out. I can see why, but are the Grimm attacking them? We regrouped and stared at the pile that was slowly collapsing.

Who exactly is in there? Everyone's accounted for except for a few people. Now the pile is moving. Why is it coming toward us? Crap. And it's getting bigger. Is that smoke? Hopefully from dead Grimm. 

Suddenly a slash cut through several Grimm, and killing a lot of them. Makes our job a lot easier. The gap was quickly covered up again, but not before something shot out. Garnet walked forward and dug it out of the ground. Huh. An arrow.

Axe Girl ran forward and snatched it from Garnet. She looked it over with an expression that practically screamed 'Holy dust!'. I'm guessing someone she knew. 

"Great. Just freaking amazing. Anyone got a Tranquilizer? Or at least some knockout gas? 'Cause that's the only way to stop this without having to kill every single Grimm in there."


So who do you think it is? It's kinda obvious after this chapter, but if you don't know, you will by the next chapter! And I've been doing better with updating, so I'm proud of myself. Plus AlwaysEpic didn't get onto me about not updating, so that's probably why. And go visit angeltano112, she made a new story based on mine, so vote and follow her! Anyways, see you later Hunters and Huntresses

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