Chapter 4

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Mason had invited Me and Liam to a club called sinema. The name sounded weird but I decoded to go. I got dressed and met them at the club. We walked to the club and mason kept babbling about something I couldn't understand. When we got to the door he knocked and then ,Hayden, walked out."oh,hell no."I said."I said you could bring plus two,not a plus Liam and her."I said."this ,her has a name. Angela."I said."how about me,plus two, and plus 50?"hr said holding a fifty dollar bill in between his fingers. She took the 50."welcome to sinema."she said leading us on the door.

We walked into electronic music and hormonal people all around us. It was also freezing cold." Woah,its cold in here."I said. Liam took off his jacket and handed it to me. I gave it back because it wasn't too long."its fine I warmed up."I said. He gave me a kiss on the cheek."so is this club mixed?" Liam asked. I looked over and saw Brett moving from a girl to a guy and dancing with him. I laughed and bit my lip."wish,"mason said pointing to him. Mason went over."what do you wanna do?"he asked."you tell me?"I asked grabbing his jacket and pulling him into a kiss. He put his hands on my waist and I pulled off."haven't felt one of those in a while."he said."I wonder why."I said sarcastically.

He stepped back a few steps and bumped into someone. It was Hayden."sorry,"he said."you know the bartender isn't just going to refill these for me,cough it up."she said holding out her hand."I've got uh,12 dollars, and some change."he said handing it to her."what about you?"she said looking at me. I had about $136 dollars from allowance and babysitting in new York,but I wasn't about to give it to her. I coughed and shrugged. She threw the change onto Liam's face."you still owe me two hundred."she said. He looked at his feet and then walked away.

Then he looked up and turned around."what is it?" I asked."there's someone here."he said."Obviously."I said."No,I mean someone like us."he said. I looked around."I'll go talk to Brett. Go find mason."he said. I walked around for a bit then found mason talking to a guy. I smiled then motioned for him. He didn't notice because then the guy kissed him. I couldn't watch any longer. I started to walk over then spikes came out of his neck and arm that was close to mason.

I got into my form and lunged at the guy. He fell sideways and I looked at mason."Run!"I screamed. My mouth started hurting then I fell to the ground and bright claws came out of my hands. Liam came up to me."what happened to you?"he asked."I don't know."I said. Then I looked at the guy and he threw Brett t a wall. I growled and then ran at him I was able to scratch his stomach twice but by then he threw me at a wall. I went back to normal and sat up on the ground. Then Kira and Scott came. "your a little late."Liam and I said at the same time. Kira pulled out her sword and fought him off for a moment. When he went to the ground she swung her sword around and then a fox like shape emerged from her in fire form. She said something in Japanese and then almost killed him." Kira!"I screamed. Scott stopped her by grabbing her hands."she looked at him then the fox disappeared. Liam ran over to me and helped me up."you okay?"he asked. I nodded. I ran over to Kira and took her sword."are you okay?"I asked her she just took her sword back then walked to the car. I gave Liam a kiss then ran after her."Kira," I said after her. She just looked at me."something is going on. I don't know what."she said. "I wasn't talking about that. I unhooked the sword from her belt and made it a sword."if you teach me how to use this,then I can help you figure out what is going on with you."I said. She nodded and gave me a hug.

Kira is going to teach Nina how to ninja. Let's see how I put it in. I'm sorry I haven't updated but I'll try to update frequently over the next three days.

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