Chapter 4B

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I slowly walked behind Scott assuring that he wouldn't hear me."you lost?"he says to someone."yes,very." I hear the voice say. Its Liam. I silently curse to myself, thinking that I should've stayed with Parrish."how'd you know I was down here?"he asked."I followed you."he said."why are you following me?" Liam asked."why are you down here?"Scott asked. I stepped back getting to the edge of the hallway. I stepped in a puddle and my heel clicked. Liam and Scott looked back."who's there?"Scott said. I sighed and looked at the ceiling. I walked forward revealing myself."what are you doing down here?"he asked."same thing he is."I said pointing to Liam. "There's a turn you keep missing."he said."how many times you watch me walk pass?"Liam asked."five."Scott said."how long you been down Jere?"Liam asked me."just about an hour."I said leaning against the wall"cone on. Maybe we can all find it together."Scott said. I let Scot walk past and went with Liam."what's the matter?"he asked."uh,if you haven't noticed were in a tunnel which could possibly be where the deed doctors took us and I do not want to be taken again."I said."so your scared."he said. "Maybe."I said. He intertwined his fingers with mine and I looked at him."there's nothing to be scared of."he said. I smiled and we walked around for what seemed like hours.
After a while we got tired and started to feel something."do you feel that?"Scott asked. I put out my hands and it felt like vibrating. "Its like vibrating." Liam said."where's it coming from?"I asked. I put my hands on the wall and that where it was vibrating. Liam bent down and felt the floor."its coming from everywhere."he said."we've been down here for hours. I mean what are we gonna find?"I said."all we've been able to find is a stupid snake sculpture."Liam said pointing to it. Scott got up and went to examine it. He dusted off some cobwebs and turned it. I turned and he looked at us. I nodded and he kept turning it until a clicking sound came. A door to our right was revealed. Scott went in first and me and Liam followed. Chris was holding up his gun. He put it up and looked at Scott."you didn't."he said."I had to."he said. Then a bald guy with black clothes on and a wrinkled face came out." I've never seen that color on you,it suits you."he said. Scott must've flashed his eyes."who's the old guy?"Liam asked."you can call me Gerard."he said."and who is this bright young lady?"he asked. I flashed my eyes and clenched my fist. If Scott doesn't trust him,then neither do I."oh,I see."he said.

Later that day I texted parish.

Me: Parish where are you I need to talk to you.

Parish: I'm kind of busy right now.

Me: Where are I can meet you threre.

Parish: I don't know but I'll let you know.

I suddenly got really suspicious and decided to ignore it. I didn't know what to do so I went to visit Lydia at Eichen house.
"Lydia Martin."I said to the receptionist. He looked behind him and called someone. A doctor with gray hair and a white coat on came."she's here to see Lydia."he said. "Come with me."he said. We went to the elevator and he held on to my arm the entire time. We went to the room and Lydia wasn't there." Where's Lydia?"I asked."wait here."he said then left the room. After a while a woman came in wuith Lydia who's hair was wet. She set Lydia down on the Ned and Lydia stared into space. "what's wrong with her?"I asked."I don't know but I know she's faking. One of these days,I know your gonna wake up and stop faking like your not awake." she said. she left."Lydia,I know some things going on. I don't know what it is. And I know you have some sort of connection with Parish,I need you to find him. Please Lydia wake u-"I said . I felt a sharp pain on my neck. It was a long needle and something was being injected into my neck."this should keep you paralyzed."he said. His face was nuzzled into my neck and I fell to the ground and he went to Lydia. Everything started getting blurry. He started talking and I saw him turn Lydia's neck. He was going to put a meddle in her neck. Then,I heard something that gave me power. A scream. I had enough power to cover my ears and that didn't even help. I uncovered my ears and flashed my eyes. My teeth came out,and I roared. Lydia went over to me and picked me up. We went out into the hallway and there were two guards. They came in and Lydia punched one of them in the stomach. I went over to him and kicked him. I hoped on to his shoulswea and flung him to the ground. Lydia screamed at the other and sent him flying backwards. "How'd you learn to do that?"I asked her."by guiding my voice."she said. We went out into the hallway. And we were able to get out of the building. We caught off a couple more guys but they got us. They zapped us with those electric sticks and took us back in. Before we went in Lydia said something."they're all going to die. My friends,they're all going to die."she said. I thought about everyone. I couldn't stand the fact that I was going to be stuck here. Like Malia,stiles,and now Lydia. I pushed the guards off of me and roared. I roared loud enough and fell to the ground. I waited a second and hears and broarder roar back. It was parish he heard me. Now I hope that he can save us in time.

I know this update is long over due,but I completely forgot about it and I was really lazy this week. I hope you enjoyed it. Comment if I should bring Isabelle back from the first book. Love you guys.

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