Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of an alarm. One of the doctors came over and injected some other tube with something. It had some corpse in it and it was basically burned. I looked over at Hayden and they had a black light on her neck."her condition worsens."it said."stop,your hurting her."Liam said. He yelled and eventually he was up and roared at them one came over and kicked him in the face."Liam!"I yelled. Fire came from my hands and my eyes turned orange. I punched the glass open. The alarm was triggered again and I lunged at the one that kicked Liam in the face. It hit me with something metal and I landed next to Liam. They restrained me and put a tube in my arm like Liam. But they put something that was freezing. Because next thing in knew I blacked out and cuddled against Liam. As if I was cold,and I was.

I heard Liam's voice but he was saying Hayden's name. I opened my eyes and he was holding her hand again."this thing that Scott does. He can take away the pain. I've never done it before but I can try."he stuttered. She nodded. He tried but it didn't work because she winced at the pain again.."sorry,"he said. They looked into each others eyes and he held her hand for real this time. I don't think I have a boyfriend anymore."try apologizing to your girlfriend."I said turning to my side. He looked over."are your okay?"he asked."I'm f-f-fine."I said crossing my arms to absorb some type of heat. I closed my eyes to conceal tears that I knew there coming.

By myself I had to pull a freezing cold rubber tube put of my arm. Hayden helped Liam pull his out. When he got it out black liquid poured out of the tube."sorry,I'm sorry,are you okay?"she asked."it'll heal,we'll both heal."he said smiling."how about all of us?"I asked."you'll heal too."he said. I looked at Hayden in disgust. She was stealing my boyfriend and he didn't care."Hayden!" He yelled. One of the doctors came up behind her and injected her with something. Another came up to me and injected me with something too. Everything went blurry. The last thing I heard was Liam screaming.

I woke up and saw Liam jolt backwards from a fence with a gigantic hole in the wall behind it. A guys voice laughed."probably should've warned you."he said. I backed onto the shadows and he scooted towards them."maybe you can help me. They took something off my back, I don't know what it was but I can still feel part of it back there he said."you want us to look?"liam asked."if that's okay."he said. Liam nodded. He turned around and lifted his shirt. Then I heard something flutter. They must've cut off his wings. He looked at me."who are you?"he asked. Liam and Hayden looked at me."I don't know,ask him."I said pointing to Liam."that your sister?" He asked."no,my girlfriend."he said. Hayden looked at him weirdly."what are you?"he asked."I don't know."I said."your were one of the experiments too?"he asked. I shook my head. He looked puzzled.
He spent a while talking about two people he spent time with in here who were dragged out that were failures. After a while a blinking light came and clanking sounds started. "they're coming."the guy said. His nose started leaking mercury."oh god."he said. They came in and took him."help!"he screamed. I tried to get up but I was still pretty cold. Liam tried to help him but Hayden kept him back. The gate closed before I could crawl out. They looked at each other and I went back to where I was.
"Hayden,Liam,Nina."I heard a familiar voice say. Then Theo came running in. I never thought I would be so happy to see him." I'm gonna get you guys out of here."he said."wait Theo don't!"Liam said but he was too late. Theo touched the gate and he flew back."Theo!"I said getting up. I wasn't thinking."Nina!"Liam said. I touched the gate but I didn't fly back. I just got warmer and my hand lit on fire."it didn't effect you."Hayden said."yeah,"I said. I stood there until Theo got up."you okay?"liam asked."yeah I'm fine."he said."did you bring help?"liam asked."I am the help."he remarked smirking."your gonna need help."I said rolling up my sleeves. We both touched the gate and sparks flew all over the place. Our eyes lit up and my burning hot teeth came out. Theo's did too. He growled and we slid open the gate. I felt woozy."co-come,come on,"I said falling back."Nina!"Theo said catching me. Then I blacked out for a little.
I took a breath before waking up in Scotts house. Malia was hugging Theo. The only thought I had was Liam. Lydia was standing in front of me looking at Scott."where's Liam?"I asked."I don't think she remembers. I mean all the electricity that she took maybe made her forget."Theo said. They gave me a 'don't freak out' look and Lydia moved out of the way.
Cue music above.
I saw Liam and Hayden on the couch together. I stood up."you okay?"Scott asked."I'm fine,I just need To go home."I said."I'll take you home."Scott said."no I'm fine,I'll walk."I said. I ran outside. I went to the other side of the street and my knees gave out on me. Its over,she took him from me. My eyes glew and my hands got balled onto a fist. I screamed. I stopped when I realized Scott was next to me. He helped me up and we went to my house.
When we got there I ran to Kira's room. She turned around and hugged me."are you okay?"she asked. I shook my head."I don't have him anymore."I whispered."Liam."Scott said."where are you going?"I asked."I'll be back."she said. I nodded and went in my room. I didn't want to say bye. I just wanted Liam.

A same day update. Im trying to get to the next part quick so expect another one today.

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