Bonus 7B

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I laid on the table arching my back in pain. "Scott Liam,can you please restrain her." Deaton said. Liam grabbed my arms and scott held my legs. "It hurts to badly, please, get parish. Parish has to do it." I said looking at Liam. He looked at Scott. "Parish has to do what?" He asked. "He has to help me."I said. My teeth came in and my claws came out. "Hurry!"I yelled. Liam called Lydia. "What do you mean he has to leave?"he asked. "Liam,give me the phone."I said keeping my arms in control. I grabbed the phone. "Where is Jordan?"I asked. "He said he has to leave. To get the beast."she said. "Is he still there?"I asked her. "Yeah,"she  said. "Put him on the phone."I said. After a few seconds I heard his voice."hello?" He said. "Jordan,its not just you its me, we both have to kill the beast,were both hellhounds, and you obviously can't defeat it by yourself. So please,come to the animal clinic so you can help me. Get here,because it isn't burning like it would when it heals." I said. "I'm on my way."he said. Then he hung up. "He, he-"I said before blacking out and dropping Liam's phone.

When I woke up, I was face down and didn't have a shirt on. I looked down at white bandages all around my torso. I looked up and saw Liam pacing back and forth. "Liam,"I said faintly. He looked at me and sighed. I sat up on the table. "What happened?"I asked. "Don't worry about that."he said," only thing that matters is that your alive." He said. He was in between my legs and he put a strand of my hair behind my ear. I put my hand on his cheek. "Liam,I'm really okay, so just,"I said. But I was looking out of the corner of my eye,and Hayden was standing right there. Liam turned around and saw her. "Hayden," he said. "I'm not going to be her."she said storming out of the office. He ran after her. I sighed and found my shirt.
"Too much for one day?" I heard a voice say. I looked IP and saw Theo. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to see you. I heard you got scratched by the beast. "He said leaning against a wall. I walked up to him after putting my shirt on. I pushed him all the way out of the office then out the door. "Don't ever worry about me again. I'm fine, now get the hell out of here." I said. He turned around and walked away.

When I got home I went to my room only to be greeted by brett. "What,wait how did you get in here?" I asked. "I told your dad I was a friend of yours then he let me in so I came up here." He said. "So why are you here?" I asked. "I wanted to know why you wouldn't let me finish what I had started." He said. "Because, I'm not going to do that with one of Liam's friends. Only reason I did do it was because I needed to get something out of me, especially since Hayden and Liam are together. "So that's why you did it." I heard a voice say. I looked and saw Liam there. "Why does everyone keep coming to me?" I said laying on my bed. "I wanted to know why you kissed him,but now I know why you did it,because you still haven't forgiven me." he said. I looked at Liam. "Okay,I can't do any more of this today,please both of you get out,go."I said pointing to the door. They both walked out,but Liam looked back at me. I layed on the bed and they left.

I don't know how the next episode is gonna go but you'll understand when I updated it. I don't know if I should keep doing these though,they kind of change the plot line of the story. But help me by telling me if I should keep doing it.

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