Smackdown Tappings

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Carrington's POV
I am so excited I just found out that my daddy will be at the next couple of Raw's for his matches against Bfock Lesnar. I went tonight because Dean has a match and I'm traveling with him the Bella Twins+Foxy, roman reigns, Summer Rae and Jack Swagger and Renee and Dolph. So I was in the make up department with Renee and Summer. I was taking a video of Summer dancing and singing but she was tapping her foot in such a weird way." What is that foot stomp though." I said laughing then I posted it on Instagram. We were being stupid until Dolph came in and hugged Renee and Jack came in and hugged Summer. I wish I had someone but I don't know if it's to soon ever since what happened with my ex,Drew McCintyre, he was abusive that's why WWE fired him. I told them that I would be back they nodded and I walked to catering and I ran into my ex's best friend who hates me because I got his best friend fired." Look if it isn't the little hoe." Heath said causing Adam Rose,and Curtis Axel to laugh. I tried to ignore them and walked to catering but they followed me. They kept calling me the worst names, bringing tears to my eyes. Heath started messing with my hair. We were in catering and I smacked his hand." Don't touch me. Just leave me alone." I said walking and Heath grabbed my hand and turned me towards him." How dare you lay your hands on me. I would watch it if I were you we wouldn't want what happened last time to happen again but this time I'll succeed." He said and I tried to squirm out of his arm." Heath let go your hurting me." I said trying to pull away but before he could say anything." I believe she said let go Heath." I heard Dean's voice. Heath let me go and I ran and hugged Dean's side and he wrapped his arms around me." Are we gonna have a problem again." Roman said getting in Heath's face. Heath looked at me then Roman and shook his head walking away." Are you ok?" Jon asked me and I nodded hugging him." Let me see your arm." He said and I just lifted it towards him." Omg there is a bruise there already as soon as we get to the hotel we're putting ice on it got it." Jon said and I nodded. He smiled and I pulled away." I'm gonna sit in the crowd with Bella Twins for Becky and Paige vs Tamina and Sasha Banks." I said and he nodded." Wait that's right before my match right?" He asked and I nodded." You guys should stay there until the end so we could get the storyline that you said would be a good idea." He said and I gasped." That's a great ideal." I exclaimed holding his arm as he looked at me with amusement. It was almost time for us to go out so The Bellas and I put on our merchandise. We all wore team Bella hats, Nikki wore a Becky Lynch shirt and we all wore Roman Reigns wristbands, I had Sasha rings,Dean Ambrose shirt, Brie was wearing Charlotte shirt. We all went and sat out there. Me and Nikki were taking selfies until Becky's song played. I started to boo causing Becky to smile because she knows I love her. I'm not fond of Charlotte but I don't particularly like her, she thinks she's all big and bad because her dads a legend, I mean mine is too but I didn't get by him I got here all by myself. We were watching and I was cheering for Sasha. And Sasha connected the Bank Statement and won the match. Next was Dean and Roman vs Big Show and Sheamus. Dean and Roman came out and gave Nikki, Brie and I all a hug. Big Show came next and then Sheamus they walked past us and I was booing Big Show and he turned and looked and me." Really you wanna boo a giant!?" He yelled at me in my face and Nikki and Brie were yelling at him to back up,." Wow must make you feel like a man to get in a women's face huh?" I asked him getting in his face also. He turned and walked away and I shook my head." Wow your such a bitch!" I yelled to him causing the girls and Roman and Dean to gasp as the crowd started to cheer. Big Show came back and got in my face again growling.Dean came over and got in between Big Show and I."Hey leave her alone!" Dean said getting in his face." What the lady can't handle her own battles, oh I forgot whose kid she was, A cowards daughter-" I cut him off with a hard slap to the face causing everyone to cheer and I jumped on the barricade and kicked hjm in the head only for Nikkk and Brie to pull me away as I started kicking around. We got backstage and Stephanie looked at me with big eyes." I have an idea." She said and the girls and I all listened in." So I'm gonna be in a love story line with Dean?" I asked and she nodded." But your still apart of Team Bella you'll just do it together kinda like how Brie did with Daniel when she was in storyline with me and Nikki." Steph said and I nodded. We all decided to call it a night and Jon got done a while ago he is in a meeting with Steph she is telling him about the storyline. I was standing by our car that I forgot Jon had the keys to. All of a sudden I was lifted up and twirled around." Jon what is wrong with you." I squealed as he put me down." We have a storyline just like you wanted." He said and I giggled and hugged him." I don't turn on you do I?" I asked him." No you will just gradually not come to ringside with me but we still be know as a couple then you'll come out with me every now an then."  He said as I sighed in relief and pulled away." Now let's go to the hotel I'm beyond tired." I aid and he nodded and put our bags in the back owned my door for me causing me to blush. We got to the hotel and fell asleep as soon as my head hit that pillow.

The Deadman's Daughter (Dean Ambrose FanFic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz