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Carrington's POV
I woke up next to Jon and smiled and kissed him on the lips. He groaned but then responded by pulling me closer to him. I giggled and pulled away once he started to pinch my thigh. I squirmed away as he chuckled. I have an interview with Michael Cole today and so do the Bellas but they are separate. I put on my floral tight Rotita bandage dress with nude Louboutins and I put my hair half way up with my bands pulled back into a ponytail. Then I did my make up.

I got up and walked into the living room area of the hotel. Jon was sitting down watching TV. I cleared my throat and he turned around.

"How do I look? "I asked him spinning around. He stood up and looked for a second before walking over to me.

"You look beautiful as always."he said then kissed me sweetly as we both smiled into the kiss the pulled away. I laid my head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed the top of my head then gently rubbed his hands in circles around my hips. I signed and pulled away.

"I have to get to my interview I'll be back in about 2 and half hours." I said then looked up into his eyes as he looked down at me smiling.

"Ok but you better hurry back don't want to miss you to much."he said then peck my lips. And as I'm walking towards the door he smacks my ass. I turned and looked at him. He hand his hands up in defense.
"Couldn't help myself!"he exclaimed and I playfully rolled my eyes and walked out the door and met the Bellas in the lobby.


"Hello ladies and gentle this is the weekly interview with Micheal Cole and my guest at this time, member of Team Bella the beautiful, Alexandra. Thank you for joining us Alex." Micheal said.

I smiled." Hello Micheal thanks for having me." I said.

"Its an honor to have the 'Deadman's Daughter' in my interview. " Michael said and I smiled.
"Ok well is no secret that you and Sasha Banks don't get along.........but in the past I believe you guys used to be a tag team but what happened with that?" Micheal asked and I smiled weakly.

"Oh I knew that question would come up but.....Sasha is an amazing wrestler not to mention a tough competitor as well, but she gets cocky and her ego gets the best of her. She thinks she runs the divas division but what she doesn't realize is that every diva in the lockeroom wether that lockeroom be NXT or the RAW and smackdown divas, they all think they run the division."I said nodded.

"Right and well she says your only here because of your father and that you don't know what is like to work to get here. What do you have to say about that?" Micheal asked.
I laughed slighlty and shook my head.

"I mean that is some what true, I wouldn't know what its like to have to go from gym to gym to gym to train with diffrent trainers because my dad and his friends like, Lita, Jeff Hardy, Goldberg, Stacy Keibler, Trish Stratus all helped train me. But I had to work to get here like everybody else. I know I'm told that I got handed this job. No I didn't. I want just born with the knowledge of being able to wrestle that takes training and I was blessed enough to have an amazing father and mother to help with my dream." I said.

"OK we all know your dad is an icon not to mention your mother as well do you ever feel pressure to live up to their name?" Micheal asked. I sighed deeply and closed my eyes to think about it then I opened them.

"I do but it's not that I think they'll be disappointed, because I know they won't be. But I feel pressure to live up to their names. Like my father Wrestlemania streak that's alot to live up to. Or my mother being the longest reigning Womens Chsmpion and the very first Divas Champion. But I can't base myself of of them I have to be my own person so that I get remembered for my own legacy not my parents, I want people to Remember the name Alexandra. That's what I'm here for." I saod nodding proudly.

"And you have been seen as a role model to alot of young girls and how do you feel now that your on RAW and Smackdown with being a role model?" Micheal asked.

"Well I love my job and the fact that I inspire little girls into following their dreams and now that I can do that with a bigger crowd, makes me feel as if I'm doing something right. I'll walk down to the ring and see girls hollering my name with tears down their face and it overjoys me because that's what I came here for to empower young girls and women all over the world Michael." I said speaking passionately.

"And finally your enemy Sasha Banks is your opponent at Elimination Chamber as well as the rest of Team B.A.D. What are your thoughts heading into this match?" Micheal asked. And I laughed slightly.

"Sasha and her posey can do and day what ever they want but there is a difference between confident and coward. Sasha can't win a match without Team B.A.D. she can call me and the Bellas whatever she wants but after Elimination Chamber she be calling us the best Team. Doesn't that sound amazing to you Cole but it's the enviable, and there is nothing Sasha or the Authority can do to stop it." I said smirking like a badass as the camera slowly cut off.
End of Interview.


After our interviews the Bellas and I went to get our nails done. We were getting pedicures. It was Nikki, Me then Brie.
We were all giggling and laughing as I was trying to do impressions. I have become such amazing friends with the two of them is unreal we get along so well. I can't wait for Smackdown.


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