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(Carrington is doing what AJ is)
Carrington's POV
My dad is gonna be here today. Yayyy!!
Nikki and I are facing Naomi and Tamina. Right now I'm in the Divas lockeroom with the girls and Summer and Renee and I were being stupid. Summer slipped and fell. I was laughing so hard. I was holding onto Renee to keep steady. Renee recently broke up with Dolph Ziggler and is now dating Cesaro. I walked into our lockerroom and Brie and Nikki were putting on there yellow gear so I put mine on to. My gear is like Brie's Old gear but it says'Team Bella instead of Brie mode and it the same color yellow as theirs. I got that on then we sat and talked." So are you going to Coachella with us?" Brie asked and I smiled proudly." Yes actually I rented 2 big RV's so we could take some of our co workers and have it be a WWE bonding day or outside the ring." I said and they seemed so shocked." That's a great ideal!" Brie said excited." Yeah girls can have one and boys can have the other and we get there and it'll be all of us and so much fun." I said and they nodded agreeing with me. We went and told the guys and girls and they all agreed to come. I have a kiss scene with Jon tonight. I am really excited about it. Well the Bellas and I have a promo to shoot against PCB and Team BAD. I walked over and I hugged Renee from behind and leaned my head on her shoulder." Hey babe!" I said and she and I giggled." Hello my love." She said and we started laughing even more. I released her and the Bellas and I got into our position." Are you guys ready?" Renee asked and we all three nodded. She nodded and we took deep breathes.
" Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guests at this time. Team Bella,Carrington, Brie Bella  and The Divas Champion Nikki Bella." Renee said." Hey ReNaeNae." We all said at the same time then smiled at each other." Now Nikki and Carrington you guys will be facing Team Bad members Naomi and Tamina tonight and they had a few choice words for you early what's your response?" Renee asked holding the mic to us." Well see Sasha may call herself the boss but she is no where near the beast I am. I call myself the beast because I prove I am every time I step between them ropes what does Sasha do except put it on a t-shirt talking a big game for someone who can easily be beaten down." I said and Nikki nodded in agreement." And Naomi can say a lot of things about me and my title but if I was such a bad champion I wouldn't have this belt or the Bella atrmy to prove my worth I proven time after time I deserve this championship and if she wants a shot..... Bring it on bye Renee." Nikki said smiling then we walked off camera.
We were walking to the gorilla because it was time for our match. And once we got there we waited and Team Bad came and the match started.
I started off against Naomi. We locked up and I pushed her back into the ropes causing the ref to break us up. I backed up as she continued to yell at the ref I ran and slid through the her legs to ringside while pulling her foot along with me causing her to smack her face on the mat. I smirked and got back in the ring pulling Naomi along with me to my corner and tagged in Nikki we both pushed her into the ropes and as she came back we both drop kicked her and I got on the apron. Nikki clothes lined after clothes lined her then started doing push ups and I laughed and clapped along with Brie.
Skip to the end of the match!
I was in against Tamina and she set me up for a Samoan drop but I countered it by falling sideways and hooked my legs and arms through her arms pinning her shoulders down for the three count. Our music played then it was cut off by the Big Show's music playing I groaned in frustration and grabbed a mic.Nikki and Brie stood beside me on either side and I didn't back down from Big Show." Listen here Alex you may be the Deadman's Daughter but I'm the Big Show and as I see it I'm a giant and your just a DIVA so I wouldn't test me little girl." He said and I giggled sorta in a sarcastic way."I'm sorry am I supposed to care what you think I am. Honey I may be a Diva but I can kick your ass just as bad as any wrestler in that locker room right now INCLUDING my father. And as far as I'm concerned you don't scare me and I'm not a little girl I don't cry when things go wrong I move forward unlike you. I face danger with a smile and I wear it proudly. So at the end of the day it's you who realizes I can kick some serious ass. Have a good night Show." I said throwing the mic at his chest. And the Bellas and I walked out of the ring and backstage.
Once we were backstage I was so happy I did awesome on my promo and I was pump. I felt arms wrap around me waist causing me to jump in surprise only to realize it was Jon I hugged him tightly and he kissed my cheek and continued to hug me. I could see Nikki and Brie over his shoulder making smooching faces and I glared at them I didn't want him to know that I liked him yet. Jon and I had a promo so we walked closer to the gorilla.
    And the camera started rolling. Jon ran up to me."Alex are you okay did he hurt you?!?" He asked frantically looking me over for any injuries. I smiled lifting his chin up and leaned forward and kissed him and he seemed surprised but then wrap one arm around his waist and one on my cheek. You could hear the crowd cheering. We pulled away and I smiled at him." I'm fine Dean." I whispered and he nodded hugging me then the camera shut off.
I smiled at Jon and blushed we weren't supposed to kiss we were supposed to just hug but I couldn't help myself." I was looking away from him and he smirked and leaned forward to whisper in my ear." I like you too." He whispered then walked away. I gasped and watched him as he walked away. OH MY GOD DID HE JUST SAY THAT!?!?!? I was still in shock but it was near the time for my dad to come out but then as I was watching him talk Brock Lesnar passed me and headed towards the gorilla I gasped and ran to catering." Uncle Hunter! Help help!!" I yelled running to Triple H." What what is it honey?" He asked hugging me." Brock is walking towards the gorilla don't let them fight they WILL hurt each other and won't care who gets in the way you have to stop them!" I exclaimed and he nodded and kissed my forehead telling me not to worry." Ok every superstar get up and stand by the gorilla with me if they start fight we have to get them away from each other!!" Uncle yelled and they all headed and stood by the gorilla when we saw Brock still there I was about to stop him when he ran out and him and my dad started beating the hell out of each other all the superstars started running except for some. I had tears in my eyes because I know my dad can handle himself but he isn't 20 years old anymore he is almost 51. I just don't want him to have a heart attack or something. I see my dad struggling but slow so I think he is having a panic attack and I start crying and someone's arms wrap around my waist. I jump and turn around to see its just Roman I sighed in relief and wrapped my arms around his neck crying he picked me up bridal style and started walking somewhere." It's gonna be alright baby sis." Joe whispered to me he is like a big brother to me. All of a sudden I was passed into someone else's arms. I look and see its Jon and I cry more lunging at him clutching his shirt in my hand." Shhhh Care it's ok we are gonna go to my lockeroom ok?" He whispered and I nodded. He started walking then we were sitting on his couch with him wiping my tears away." Now why are you crying?" He asked softly." Well Brock and my dad are brawling and I know for a fact my dad can handle himself but he isn't 20 years old anymore he is about to be 51 years old what if he has a heart attack or something and I could just see him breathing heavy and I got scared." I said and he nodded." Well let's go check and see if he is ok?" Jon suggested and I nodded. We walked out into the hall. We were walking down towards the gorilla when all of a sudden we hear yelling and I turn when all a sudden my dad goes running past me hitting Brock right in the face. Jon gasped and pulled over to the side where it was safe apparently and went to help pull them away. The staff and workers were running away while I just stood there.  Brock went running towards them again but flipped the table I was standing behind and he slammed right into me me head hit the steel like chain door behind me and I blacked out and fell to the ground. I heard Jon,Kofi,Big E,and my father all yelling for me to wake up but the darkness took me over.

I woke up in the trainers room with Kofi,Big E,Xavier,Dolph,Nikki,Brie,Summer,
Renee,Neville,and Jon in the room to. I groaned at my headache and Jon was at my side in seconds." Hey sweetheart you feeling alright." He says looking at me. I nodded and he smiled and everyone hugged me and everything then left. Mike(Doctor) came in and said I was fine to leave but I should take it easy. It was just Jon and I and I couldn't help but ask." Hey um what you said earlier......was is true?" I asked quietly." What about me liking you...... Of course it's true Carrington I have liked you ever since we started traveling together but I never told you until today." He mumbled and I smiled as he looked down at his fingers ashamed. I tilted his head up and and smashed our lips together and he held me to his chest. We pulled away." I like you too." I whispered to him causing him to smiled and we kissed again." Well let's get you home so you can sleep." He said picking me up in his arms and walked to the divas locker room all the divas had left so he walked in to and grabbed my bags I looked down to see I had one of his shirts on it reached a couple inches above my knee. He grabbed my bags and walked out to our rental car put me in the passenger seat. Once we got to the hotel we talked and then fell asleep in each other's warm loving arms.

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