RAW As The New Champ

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Carrington's POV
Tonight is RAW and I can't wait. Last night was amazing but after everything Sheamus bumped into me in the hallway and started saying I didn't deserve the title and that Dean didn't deserve me or anything he has. So tonight I have a segment but its definetly not about Sheamus.........its about the NEW WOMENS CHAMPION!!

Right now I'm at catering with Jon and I have Bleu in my arms as Jon makes his and my plate.......he is so sweet. He came back and sat down and after we ate some tech guy told us our bus was here. So we went to look at it.

We have the tour coming up so Jon and I rented a tour bus fir us to travel in alot easier. We put all our stuff in it then I left Bleu in there but in his crate since he had fallen asleep. Jon grabbed his bag and we started to head back into the arena until.

Brock came out of no where and just started whaling on Jon.

"STOP!!" I Sscreamed as he shoved him up against a car.

"BROCK LET HIM GO!!!" JUST STOP!!" I yelled as he pick Jon up and slammed him into the limo windshield.

"STOP!!!! OMG!!" I yelled holding my head as I cried.

Brock looked me up and down then walked off laughing. As I lunged for hims refs grabbed me pulling me back. I pushed them away to go help Jon.

"Babe, are you ok? Please move or say something." I said frantic. He moved his hand out to hold mine and took a breath of relief.

"Somebody get some help!!" I yelled.

So Jon went to the hospital but I couldn't go I had to do something first plus Jon told me not to he said he was alright so I stayed at RAW. I got changed I put on a brown ruffle Balmain top, blue high waisted tight fitting jeans and my ankle high brown boot heels. I put on a leather jacket over it.

I went to get my make up done and she gave me a gold and brown smokey eye with a royal blue under eye. It looked really intense but beautiful. And she curled my hair into loose curls. I had an interview with Renee first and RAW had already started and the second match just got done with.

Begining of Interview

"Ladies and gentleman my guest at this time and the new WWE Women's Champion........Alex!" Renee said as you could hear the crowd cheer. I smiled and stepped into frame.

"Hello Renee!" I said and she smiled.

"So we witnessed an attack on Dean Ambrose by Brock Lesnar and we actually have some footage on that." She said as we watched him being thrown into tbe car windshield. I looked down upset about it.

"What are you thoughts because we notice that you aren't scared of the beast why is that exactly?" Renee asked.

"Am I supposed to be afraid of Brock Lesnar...... (crowd cheers). I mean I'm the Deadman's Daughter. I used to sit backstage as a little girl, watching all the wrestlers walk past, hell I used sit backstage with The Boogeyman, if the boogeyman don't scare me Brock Lesnar sure doesn't. " I said as you could hear the crowd cheering.

"Well how are you doing since we all know Dean was sent to a local hospital?" She asked.

"Well I'm definetly worried about him and I was going to go with him but , you know stubborn Dean, saying he was fine and that I should stay. So I did and I'm worried but I'll be w-" I got cut off by none other than Sheamus.

"Really lass your sitting here worried about a man that couldn't even fight back against someone almost putting you in danger?....."he asked in his irish accent. I rolled my eyes and held my title on my shoulder.

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