Hotel Intruders

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Carrington's POV
I woke up in the middle of the night with Jon's head laying on my stomach. I smiled and ran my fingers through his hair. I sighed in content and looked over at the alarm clock and noticed it was only 3:30 am. Why am I up.

Well Jon rescued this little baby pitbull from an alley behind the hotel and brought him home. I gave him a bath and all that then took him to the vet across the street. But I heard him whimpering.

I tilted my head up to see the puppy growling quietly at the door and I looked on confused. Then all of a sudden I heard something out in the living room of the hotel room move. Not just wind like picked up and set down sound.

Well good thing Jon lock our bedroom. I heard glass shattering. I started to tap Jon on the shoulder. Then I started to shake him as the crashing sound got closer to the door. I grabbed Jon's shoulders and lifted him up into a sitting position.

"Jon, baby wake up.....please Jon wake up."I whispered to him cupping his face in my hands .

He started to stir as I gently but still hard hit his cheeks.

"What baby are you ok?" He asked rubbing his eyes.

"No Jon someones in the ho-" I got cut off by someone trying to open the door but its locked so only the handle moved.

"Aye dude I think someone's in here." I hear a groggy old voice.

Jon looked towards the door as the handle moved again. I jumped and wrapped my arms around Jon's neck and bury my face into his neck. He wrapped an arm around my waist and slowly moved off the bed and lifted me up and stood me in front of the bed then picked the puppy up and handed him to me.

Jon put his finger to his mouth signaling for me to be quiet, and banded me his phone and it was on the dial pad, then he typed in 911, I nodded. Jon walked over to the door and laid down and looked under the crack of the door to see if anyone was near the door.

He stood back up slowly and gently grabbed a chair and slowly lodged it under the door handle then walked back over to me. He takes my hand and walks us into the bathroom. He takes the phone and calls 911. I heard the door open I immediately jump into action.

I put the puppy in the tub but left the curtain open or else he would whine. I'm not aboutvto let someone take my stuff I have things my dad gave me out there. I walked toward the bathroom door and slowly unlock it. I open the door just a crack and see two guys looking around but their backs turned to me.

I tapped Jon and he nodded and signalled for me to go to one while he goes for the other. I opened the bathroom door and jumped on the back of one putting him in a choke hold and squeezing it tight until he hit the ground and police came in and got me off and handcuffed both of them.

One cop high fived me causing me to chuckle.

"You know we found knives on both so they were looking to do damage. But if it wasn't for your puppy they could have hurt you guys." An officer said signalling towards the puppy and I nodded.

Its true I wouldn't have woken up if I didn't hear him whining. He saved us. Jon kissed the little puppy on the forehead and I smiled as Jon also pecked my lips. The rest of the night Jon and the puppy sat up and watched the door to protect me even though I proved I can handle my own.

Tonight is Smackdown and I have an interview with Micheal Cole. So we left for the arena early and of course I took the puppy who we finally decided to name Blu ,with me but I left him in the lockeroom with Jon.

Begining of Interview

"Ladies and Gentleman welcome to our weekly interview on the WWE Network, I'm Micheal Cole and this week we are joined by the beautiful Alex. Alex how are you?" Micheal announced.

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