Decorating for Christmas

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Carrington's POV
I woke up earlier than Jon. I let the dogs out, cleaned the house alittle, and now I'm making breakfast.  I'm cutting the peppers I put in the eggs on a cutting board. When all of a sudden arms wrap around my waist from behind.

"Good morning baby." Jon whispered in my eat than kissed my naked shoulder.

"Good morning babe, I was making you breakfast as a surprise since your birthday is close but you woke up." I said kinda disappointed.

"Hey any breakfast I have on my birthday will be amazing as long as I get to share it with you." He said kissing my cheek then wrapping his hand around mine that was holding the knife and helped me cut the peppers. I giggled and leaned my head back as he continued to do so.

"So today we need to start decorating for Christmas since it will be, Dec.23 ,  when we get back home from Tribute To The Troops tour." I explained and he nodded then we finished cooking together.

We went shopping and there were these lights that were so pretty abs I really wanted them, but they were on the top shelve so I slid on the other ones to reach up. When all of the sudden I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Woah baby be careful you ciukd have just asked me, here get on my shoulders." Jon said so I did and he stood up and I could reach the box and he grabbed the box and put it in the cart.

Then he put his hand out and I laid my hands in his and he pushed up and I jumped and he caught me by my waist as my feet hit the ground. I turned around and smiled at him as he pecked my nose and I scrunched my face causing him to chuckle.

"Let's get going shall we? " Jon said and I nodded.

We were sat in the car and we have been dating now for at least 1 year and a half and I wanna start the next level with him.

"Hey babe can I ask you something? " I asked.

"Of course baby, ask me anything you want. " he said reaching over and holding my hand while he drove with the other one.

"Ok well have you thought about marriage or kids at all." I asked.

"Well I have thought about marriage but I do want kids with you but not for a little bit maybe in like 2 years or less." He said which made a grin spread across my face.

"Awe ate you blushing, well its true I love you with my all and I see myself with you for the rest of my life." He said kissing my hand while we pulled into our drive way.

"I love you too and I know we will be together forever. " I said pecking his lips once we came to a stop.

We got all the lights and everything out of the car.  I started on the inside by changing the couch pillows to Christmas themed ones. And put a reef on the front door with lights around it doorway on the in and outside of the house. Then came the Christmas tree.

"Babe can you please help I can't reach and my shoulder is popping in and out of place!" I yelled in pain as I stretched to put an ornament on a high branch even though I was standing on a short stool.

"Ok well then stop before you hurt yourself, come here and get down." He motioned me over to him.

I pouted and reached for him to wrap my arms around his neck and he lifted me by my waist and set me on the floor. I pouted again.

"I wish I was taller." I pouted.

"Hey I think you are perfect size I can pick you up and spin you around but if you were taller and I did that I'd probably end smacking into that wall and the ceiling...."he rambled on trying to cheer me up which worked since I was laughing.

"Well can you at least hold me up so I can put my ornament on the top please?" I asked giving him the puppy dog face.

"Of course, I would be honored." He said lifting me up high and I reached the branch perfectly and put on the ornament and he set me down.

We got done with the tree except the star and I was sitting on the couch with Bleu on my lap as Jon was putting lights outside on the window. He came back in done and I had a silly question.

"Hey should we let Bleu put the star on the top of the tree since we are a new family?" I asked causing him to smile.

"How about all the of us do a new family."he suggested walking up to me wrapping an arm around my waist and all three of us reached and placed the star on top of the tree, then we starred at it.

"Merry Christmas baby girl. I love you. " Jon said pecking my lips.

"Merry Christmas babe and I love you too. " I said looking into his eyes.

"And merry Christmas to you to Bleu........ we love you. " We said together as Bleu licked our faces and shaking his little tail.

We laughed then we all went to bed..... my life literally could not get any better than this.

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