Tribute to the Troops

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Carrington's POV
So my Tribute to the Troops outfit sorta matched Dean's. It was kinda planned. I was scheduled to have a match with Natalya, she isn't like she used to be note she is just a bitch.

But whatever I guess it's her choice. I was in the make up section in the hall way and the girls already did my make up I was just putting on mascara. When all of a sudden my head is slammed right into the mirror. I can't see but I can hear Natalya screaming, I see a camera but it's blurry because there is powder in my eyes.

I was picked up by my hair and thrown right into the brick wall then she started to just punch me and I start screaming and swinging to get her off me but I can feel blood dropping stolen my face from the mirror.

Then I hear refs and other superstars pull her off me as I writhe around in pain. And Nikki is trying to get me to let go if my face.

"Whats wrong?" She asked.

"She banged my head on the mirror and I'm bleeding."I said and the trainor broth me a towel and as I let go of my face there was a puddle of blood in my hands.

"Ughh" I groaned.

"Whoa what happened!?!" I hear Jon yell paniced.

"I'm fine, Natalya just attacked me, help me up please. " I say in a cracked voice, but I'm not gonna cry in front of everybody.

"Come here baby. " Jon said bending down and picking me up with my legs wrapped around his waist and one arm startled around his neck with the other holding the towel to my head.

1 hour later

Well I got 3 stitches an inch above my brow line. I'm tired and upset and just sitting on the couch cuddled up yup Jon, we are in his lockeroom. And I have an ice pack on my knee because when I hit the wall it popped out of place but it's nothing new I did that in high school playing volleyball.

I let out a groan of pain and cuddle closer to Jon.

"What hurts baby?" He asks me concerned.

"My head, oh why can't the pain just go away. " I groan.

"I don't know babygirl, I wish I could take it away but I don't know how."he said kissing my forehead gently.

"You help alot with the pain but what about when you have your match is gonna be ten times worse."I pout.

"Well I'm not gonna be more than 30 minutes I promise just take a nap and I'll be back before you know it ok? " He says and I sigh but nod my head and he kisses my forehead and leaves to go to his match and I fall asleep.

I woke up and I was in my bed. Jon musty have carried me inside the house.

We get to be home for at least 3 more days until we have to be at RAW for Slammy Awards.

I walked downstairs and I smelled bacon, I walked into the kitchen to find a shirtless Jon.

"Why didn't you wake me up I could have helped? " I asked him as I went to help but he stopped me.

"No you sit down and let me make you breakfast, and well when I got done with my match you were still asleep so I just carried you back home. " he said making me sit on a stool by the counter.

"No let me help please, and my head hurts."I pout while wrapping my arms around his neck add he holds my waist tighter towards him.

"Ok well lets set you on the counter and I get your medicine ok? " He asks and I nodded from my head being in the crook of his neck.

He picked me up so my legs wrapped around his waist and walked me over and set me on the counter. He went to our medicine cabinet and got mine or and I took it.

Then breakfast was ready I real am a very lucky girl.

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