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Me: *sighs* I am Emem Meme of the world of ze thug lyfe houze... welcome to the wonderful fxcking book of "✌Keep Calm and Crack on Titan✌"... written all the random and cracking stuffs like- *has interrupted by a toothbrush* brrrr brrr brrrr!!!

Levi: *brushes her teeth* You're always speaking like none! Your mouth is such a poop and fXrt!! You should have this routine three times a day! Or else a gay titan will chase you til your cold body smells worse than your mouth-

Me: SHUDDUP!!! *spits out toothbrush* This crack book will start coming soon in 2016~!!!

Levi: *toothbrush is in his mouth* YUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK~~~!!!!

✌Holy Crack on TITAN✌Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora