Mikasa's Birthday~!

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February 10, 2016

Mikasa: *just sitting and relaxing alone in the middle of the grassy plains* -_-

Eren: *pops out from nowhere then clings on to Mikasa's shoulders* Hey Mikasa sis! XD

Mikasa: *looks back at Eren* Wut?...

Eren: Oh, guess what's today?

Mikasa: Today? *then sighs* Uhhh... =_= It's nothing today...

Eren: *pops out some colorful confetti* HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 U!!! ^_^

Mikasa: *blushes deeply* Huh? U sure it's my birthday? Oh, I don't even know...

Eren: (^v^) Yup.

Mikasa: Okay... where's my gift?

Eren: Maybe later, that would be your birthday surprise.

Mikasa: So, we're gonna have a party with admin and the Survey Corps and are ya sure that you're planning to have fun with a booze together just like at Gilbert's?

Eren: *nods* I dunno... Maybe Admin Emem would knew this for you.

Mikasa: Well, okay. By the way, Eren, where's my cake?

Eren: =_= Hmmmm..... I don't think so...

~Meanwhile in the admin's kitchen~

Me: *sobbing in the emo corner* (ToT) Uhuhuhuhuhu~!!! Too many stressload preperations for this week, I can't handle them so much anymore! Why am I supposed to build up some consecutive birthday parties and like a rich boss bxtch, and now I'm weary about all these monkey business stuff... Shxt! I'm lacking out of expenses for *counting fingers* Hospital Insurance, Electricity, Water, Education, Food, Internet, Housing, Foundation Day, Valentine's Day, Prom Night, etc... Nuuuuuu!!! I'm wasting some money and time then I'm afraid that I might be a nomadic beggar someday! Uhuhuhuhuhu!!! .·'¯'(>A<)'¯'·.

Ysa: *leans on the wall like a thug*

=_= Easy, men!

You can do it!

Don't be a crybaby bxtch.

*cuddles admin*

I'll handle this for you-

Me: *shoves Ysa away* >o< NOOO! FXCK YOU, FREAK! YOU'RE EVEN MY STRESS SHXTLOAD!!! >////< GRRRR!!! *face full of crimson*


(A/N) Duh.... I'm such a sloth for producing some crack prompts... I'm bored, yet it's our foundation anniversary in our school... and then u know yesterday I had a glamourous haircut since it has returned to fully black state from the last chapter of Hospitalia series. Don't worry guys if u've thought mine's chopped off into a bob or an edgy style, it's a big no I hate it too short, my hair's still rich and long in 24 inches, just a straight trim. I pulled it up too in a high ponytail so I managed myself to feel active and clean.

~And guys, SAVE THE DATE! FEBRUARY 18!!! You've already know this what's within the date, yes? Be glamourous like me guys, thanks for viewing and voting my SNK crack book, I luv you so much and happy 400+ followers too! See ya on ze next chappie, keep your eyes on it then just wait...

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