Admin in Hospital 2

24 2 0

January 23, 2016

Me: Tell me wut's coming about that party night in Gil's house? And how I terminated up like an emo MLP corpse?

Dr. Jean: *flips April's logbook* According to ur classmate April, u were once drunk and u danced all over that hours, then u went to the gym uncontrollably working out so excessively and actively on that night. And she have also said there's someone who messed up your hair with blades and colors just for their sake of fun.

Me: *nods* Ok I recognized it. So good I lost much mass of fatty weight, however in the contrary I am afraid that my mother might murder me with this.

Dr. Hanji: *enters the room with an Android tablet* Hey Emem! Pls excuse for a while, you must see this!

Me: Oh, Dr. Hanji. What is it?

Dr. Hanji: *places the tablet in front of Admin* You must watch it, it's a Skype chat. Your classmates are there on the grassy hills, calling for you since you are now awake. They went there to shoot videos for their documentary project. Don't forget to say 'hi' to them!

Me: *weakly smiles* Hello guys, I missed you. Sorry for that I am not yet feeling good to go there with all of u. I'm still here in the hospital.

Andrea: ^-^ Good you already woke up.

Hannah: *sighs* Thank goodness...

April: How are u now here?

Me: I'm fine, that in case I can't take my body anymore.

Cherry: Uhhh... Why won't you admit the fact that you're now changed physically? I think you're more cooler than you before.

Me: Cuz it's so fxckxng weird I'm so weak I'm gonna go to hell with that.

Ruby: Well we're surprised you've changed a lot like more than a stranger.


Andrea: Never! U know it's so hard to return them back in state.

April: Yeah, it takes such time.

Me: *facepalms* Okay. Challenge accepted. So what are you doing guys on that wonderful airy scenery?

Jeremy: We're having a film shooting about environment conservation for our final project.

Emy: This place seems so comfortable, widely beautiful so we've chosen here as our perfect spot in filming.

Me: But... *sheds a single tear* :'( Why you didn't join me to ur place? You're leaving me sick alone?

Reynold: Don't worry. You're still our part of the group in this project. If you're okay soon let's go shopping and viewing around the city. So we have something important to tell you. After our shooting soon we'll directly visit you to edit and publish into a full movie with your aid.

Me: Okay then. Thanks... *immediately gasps and widened eyes* OMG WAIT!

Emy: 0-0 wut?

Titan: *slowly walking, approaching the 10 classmates*

Me: *points to the direction where the titan is, nervously stutters* T-t-there's a t-titan... b-b-behind you!!! =OAO=

Argie: It's just nothing. I think it's ur imagination. *derps*

Titan: *walks in closer*

Me: No I am not kidding this is true! (/'A')/

Jenny: Hmmm... you've been drinking a lot last Monday so u went ur visions delirious.

Me: *turns to Dr. Hanji* Doc, see this! My friends will might be endangered!

Dr. Hanji: Oh lemme prove it- 0///0 *gasps as she saws a titan in the video chat* OMG NO! *nosebleeds*

Dr. Jean: A titan? *peeks on the screen, raising an eyebrow, making soft moans of a horse* Hmmmm....... =~=

Nurse!Armin: *timid girly screams* AAAAAAAHHHH TITAN AAAAAHHHH NUUUU FXXXXCK!!!

Eren: STFU CHICK BXTCH! =^= *chokes Armin*

Nurse!Mikasa: *facepalms* Elementary idiots... hmmmph!! =-+

Titan: *is coming closer!*

Me: *grits teeth, biting fingernails* T-T-TITAN!!!

Jeremy: *raises eyebrow* Why u guys staring at us? Is there going on so wrong at us? Then what is a titan which we don't know? =~=

Me: *trembling* A t-titan is.... 0A0 a scary nude giant which is multiple times taller than normal humans!

Nurses, Doctors, and Eren: YEAH, THE TITAN IS BEHIND YOU! *points to the screen*

10 Classmates: *lookks up from behind then saw a real titan* 0.0

Titan: *5 meters closer to Admin's friends, fire explosion in background* GWAAAAAARRRHHH!!!!!

Cherry: O///O EVERYONE.....


10 Classmates: ・゚゚・(>A<)・゚゚・ *running fast away from the chasing titan* AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!

Me: *psychotic crying holding a Jesus crucifixion display and a rosary* LORD SAVE THEM SAVE THEM SAVE THEM!!! ToT

Eren: *raises fist* ORAYT her friends need help so we have to save them against the bullshxtty TITAAAANS!!!


Eren, Nurses and Doctors: *transforms into wearing Survey Corps uniforms magically, then epic poses*

*insert Attack on Titan opening theme here*

Me: *le sparkling eyes and crying rainbows*

Eren: *releases sword blades* Okay guys, let's move on and rescue Emem's friends! And we together let's slice the titan up for our evening barbecue! LET'S GO! ^O^

Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Hanji: YEEEEEAAAHHH!!!! *about to leave the room*

Me: Wait wait wait wait just stop first for a minute...

SNK 5: *pauses then directly set eyes to Emem* Wut?

Me: Do u know where my classmates are?

SNK 5: No.

Me: Okay I have a magical shortcut to help get you there instantly. *picks up an aerosol teleportation spray and fumes it to the Survey Corps team*


Janitor!Levi: *mopping on the floor in front door of Emem's room, then he smalls something foul odor, barfs uncontrollably* Tsk! That fxckxng titan brat! *kicks the door to open* GOTCHAAA!!!

SNK 5: *all covered in shxt poop and releases septic tank smell, frowning for being pissed*

Patient room: *messed up with poop*

Me: *slowly backs away to the emo corner crying and planting mushrooms* Uh-oh... I guess it was fake, it was a wrong effective spray. Sorry... ToT Holy shxt pray 4 us save my poor classmates!

Janitor!Levi: *face became dark red expressing wrath, bursting flames in black background* =A= GRRRRRRRR!!!!

~le timeskip brought you by: an aerosol spray fresh from toilets and hospital sewages~

SNK 5: *disappointedly cleaning around the patient's room*

Levi: *lazily leans on the wall, crosses arms*

Me: *frowns while watching the tablet* :'(

10 Classmates: *already fainted and injured of being crushed by a titan* (x.x)

Me: *sobs a giant waterfall* (TAT) Dammit! 10x health insurance worth an expensive shxt!!!

Levi: *rolls eyes to Emem* WHATEVER!


SORRY??? B-]


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