BRATS... =_=

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February 8, 2016

Eren: (OAO) Crxp! Armin, Jean! Quick! We better hide. Heichou is coming to our way. Come on! *hides in the closet*

Armin and Jean: *follows Eren then hides with him*

Eren: Shhhh.... *quietly shuts the clost door*

Me: *didn't notice the three, but just cleaning around the kitchen, humming to the song "Love Yourself" by Justin Bieber*

Levi: *walks in to the kitchen like an army boss* Pssst Emem bxtch!

Me: *turns behind* Levi...

Eren, Armin & Jean: *shivering in sudden anxiety in the closet* T-T Oh nuuu, shxt.... oAo

Levi: *crosses arms* Where are those brats?

Me: *raises eyebrows* Brats? You mean, this???...

*gets her some Bratz dolls from the cupboard*

Here, my Bratz dolls. ^_^ They're so glamourous! Wanna play together with me, ye- *dies off*

Levi: *kicks Emem's face* Shxt! What the fxck!


That's not the brats I am speaking of!

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