The Shattered Artist

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You came into my life, just as the music was fading. Everything I loved, the rhythms, the tunes and melodies were all becoming darker in my eyes. My colors were disapperaring and dulling as well. I had just began to become once again strong in my faith when I first met you. When you arrived, at first you were no more than a spark, and not a very bright one at that. I brushed it off as nothing, and sunk deeper in my darkness. But the deeper I sunk, the brighter you seemed. I clung to the brightness and to the love I had developed for your light. You grew brighter and brighter until my darkness was gone and my music returned. Colors returned, first in the bright happy blue of your eyes and the red of the roses until everything was vibrant again. We fit together perfectly, and anyone around us envied the perfectness of our relationship. You were the one person who knew about my darkness and accepted me anyway even though you knew it could be back at any moment. You said you didn't know how to help but if you could you would try to help fix it, and for that I loved you more. For some reason, I was able to explain to you the things I never wanted to bother anyone else with. You and I were unstoppable; we held each other up and fixed each other when the whole world tried to bring us down. We were strong in our faith together. But then time went on, and your light continued to grow brighter, but my darkness came back. My music stayed strong, but it started becoming sad. My paintings showed my darkness and sadness. The sickness was back. The dreaded illness of repressing depression was begining to envelope me one again in its crushing grip and your light was preoccupied talking to others and while that had been fine before, with my new pain, I was dying. My infatuation with you is causing so much pain it is hard to bear. My faith remained as strong as ever and it helped some, but it did not prevent the crushing depression. It feels like your light is leaving me and my craving for its warmth and safety only makes the darkness worse. I'm spiraling downwards, and as my only way up, you're clueless of the fact of the rarity of your complete understanding.

Cora Theresa

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