You Promised Forever

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You and I, we were close for a very long time. We started school together. When we got older, we became closer than I imagined possible. We both promised to each other that we would be ther for one another no matter what may occur. And then, for a while, I loved you, and then suddenly I didn't. We stayed very close; you were the person I trusted more than I trusted myself. You made fun of me and sometimes caused me a lot of pain, but never really intended it. You promised me it would be like this forever. I didn't know it at the time, but you loved me, more than almost any human could fathom. When he showed up the next year, we could all see that love for me in him when I was too blind to see it in you. When finally you told me, I was torn and you promised forever. I thought I loved you both. We waited a while, and then decided to be together. It seemed to be working, at least on the outside. But when I looked inside myself, it was a lie to say I loved you more than I loved him, and it was killing me inside to hurt him as I had. I soon realized that I couldn't be with you, but I hated to hurt you, despite your protests that you were fine. For months afterwards I spent sleepless nights crying myself to sleep, regretting the pain I caused the two of you. To this day, the pain I caused still haunts me. Finally, I decided to tell him that I loved him more than I had you, and I was with him, and you supported us. The three of us were as close as we had ever been, despite the occasional evident pain I saw in you. No matter how many times I apollogized, you insisted you were fine, and promised you would be there forever. Time went on, and he and I grew closer, while you and I grew apart, and it is killing me, but you seem to be happy with the new people you have found, so I should be too. Now we never talk. You list your closest friends, and I do not make that list any longer. What we once had is gone. I don't  know how we stand. Are we  friends? Are we enemies? Are we... strangers? I miss the times we talked for hours. I miss having you to go to when all else failed. I want that back, but I'm  terrified you don't  want that back from me. All I have now is the memory, "You promised forever," and I know I did to. The question, I guess, that has been bothering me after all this time is did I break the promise? Did I tarnish the treasured saying despite my best efforts? The saying I held(and still do) so close to my heart: "You promised forever."

Cora Theresa

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