The Musician

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Hear me out, there was a musician,
Who was the best of the group to listen.
On her instruments, much did she play
Throughout the night and all through the day.
The flute, the tuba, the clarinet, and more,
Much skill she does have, and this is her tour.
In many bold colors, none dull in sight,
To her career, this long trip is a blight.
With her long hair and her eyes of bright green,
To many people she seems like a dream.
Though tall and thin, with strength beyond measure,
Her music and skill are her grand treasure.
Though joy she shows, quite dejected she is,
Modest and hidden, few people know this.
Kind-hearted, caring, she waits for her one,
Though love songs she sings, many she has done.
A quiet soul has taken its hard toll;
She plays alone and tries to meet her goal.
Soon solely to me, she did disclose that
There is one boy she shall meet at
The destination for where we are bound.
In this journey, her true self will be found.
If she finds the one she is looking for
Her beautiful music will be no more.
Her cares lie more with the one she does love,
The love of her trade seems to be a glove,
Hiding her true cares from those who may see
The weakness, what she does not wish to be.
So on this journey, she will reveal more,
But simply for now, she is a closed door.

Cora Theresa

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