I Still Love

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Just because someone is hurt once
Does not mean they cannot
Love anyone or anything again.

I picked up my first instrument
When I was in the fourth grade.
It was bigger than I was
And difficult to play.
Through many long hour
Of practice and work
I became good enough
For the next step up.
Now to this day I can play eight,
Music is pain, music is light
Music is love, music is life.
Be it the biggest burden of my day,
I still love music, no matter the pain.

I once had a friend
When I was very young.
Of all our age
Our relationship was the best.
Then one day,
Many years later...
She left.
I still see her on occasion,
And though the parting
brought much sorrow,
I still love her.

When I was young,
I decided to write.
Stories seemed a good way
To make my path through life.
Instead of keeping it all bottled inside,
I decided to write it out for everyone's eyes.
Criticism is harsh,
Success is hard to reach,
Yet still to be an author
Is what I love to be.

I once had a friend
Whom I loved as more than so.
We grew closer with growing age
And feelings grew as well.
We became a couple
After much confusion
And though my love was strong,
Something was not quite right,
And so we parted.
The pain we both suffered
Was equal to that of the other;
The love we shared
Had not died there.
It was long before we grew apart
And apart we did drift.
But yet I still love him.

Art is a fickle thing;
It comes in many forms.
Paintings, drawings,
Sketches, ideas
And hardly any of it
Goes quite as planned.
The artist, like me,
Often hates what they see
Thinking only of what
They wanted it to be.
Those around don't quite understand
The pain an problems
The artists face
Though try they might.
Art causes pain
Yet it is still one
Of the many things I love

The once was a boy
That I met very quickly
And I fell for quite quickly as well.
As time went on I came to know
That he loved me also.
Friends we stayed
Through ups and downs
For quite a long while.
Soon without warning
The two of us became quite a pair.
Time went on,
Our love grew,
And then suddenly something
Was not quite right.
We did not fit as we once had
And back to friends we went
From which we did drift,
To what we are now,
I know not.
And yet despite the pain
On both sides,
I still love him.

These things and people
Have all hurt me in a way
But contrary to expectations
I love them all the same.
There are so many more
That I do not care to add;
There are so many more
And I'm grateful for them all the same.

Many people believe
The pain is a wall.
More believe pain
Is the key to it all.

The pain creates growth
And instead of being cruel
Due to the pain I have faced
... I still love.

And all these things

Are just simple,

Simple pleasures

That few care to see,

But in my life

They are what makes me

... Me.

Cora Theresa

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