Would You Press a Reset Button?

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If you had the chance, if you were given a shot, to do your life again... would you really take it?

You would erase the memories of pain from the first break up you ever had, you would erase the embarrassment you have suffered. Your sadness never would have existed and you clouded mind would be clear.

Your pain from any accident would never have happened, and any time you messed up, that would also be gone.

You would have more time to do all the things you wanted, meet more people, and travel anywhere in the world. You could have another shot at being the person that you want to be.

Sounds like a pretty good deal, doesn't it?

But then you would also erase the happiness you have experienced. A first love, a talent, a joy that came from an unexpected mistake.

To erase the bad would leave a void, one that must be filled with other negative energy.

There is no such thing as a perfect life, but resetting your life would do what, exactly? Give you another chance to have different regrets?

You still have time to travel and meet people and change who you are if that's what you desire. Do. It throw away all of your work because of one person or thing.

Think of all you have accomplished.

Now do you really want to push that button?

Cora Theresa

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