Standing on the Edge

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I'm standing on the edge,
Near the dark, dark cliff
Staring into the deep eye
Of Death my good friend.

Many times have we talked
A few, I've tried to visit.
It is tempting now
As I sit in silence.

Off the edge
Into the dark abyss
Into the arms of fire
The searing pain.

Once the darkness
Claims me for himself
I will finally be
At peace with my heart.

My body is numb,
My mind as well,
I don't want food,
I just wish for peace.

Not this stabbing
Searing pain
That medicine cannot touch
And alcohol only hides.

To my desire
My hands wish to abide
But some claim
I am necessary.

For what, I ask,
And receive little reply.
For what, I demand.
I require a why.

Now I stand here
On the edge
Staring at Death
My good friend.

The Darkness comes,
I feel his arms.
And for him now
I'll fall for his charms.

Cora Theresa

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