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There is an item
A belief
A feeling
That's value is placed
Above them all.

Hard to earn,
Harder to keep,
For many around.

But for some
Trust is essential
As breath or food,
Water or sleep.

When someone trusts you
Above all else
That is an honor
Which in itself tells
Of just how much
For you are cared.

To betray such a gift
Would be a sin,
A misstep, a mistake.

I have given this gift
To all too many
Whom I later found
Were not so worthy.

My trust is strong,
Even after much pain,
So to break my trust
One must be quite the bane.

Seldom do I meet
Other with trust
Such as me
But often they protect
Themselves more
Than what I do.

But protect your trust
For it is a precious thing.
Be careful who
You gift it to.

Only give it
To those for whom
You truly care.

Cora Theresa

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