The Wishing Well

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So long ago
I threw a coin
Into the waters
Of a wishing well.

Without much hope,
I walked away,
My wish for the hope
You'd love me some day.

That one day,
Possibly far from then,
I would be the light,
Your hope and zen.

Now it had been
Since November
Wonderful months
Since you wanted me.

Now you are mine,
And I, yours,
Happier than we
Have ever been.

My future,
Never so bright,
Seems so perfect
With you at my side.

To sleep beside you
Almost every night
Is the best rest
To cure my blight.

You don't mind my darkness
You simply smile
And hold on to me
While I climb from my pit.

You've staved off
Death my friend
Who's embrace
I thought I needed.

In reality
I needed you,
Your love, your hope.

There was a night,
Once after work,
You told me that I
Was full of hope,
There was some
Inside me to persue.

But on that same night
You told me
That there was no hope,
Not in you.

And finally I ask,
Now that you have
My endless love
Do you not see
The hope I see
In you?

And so I do return
To this wishing well,
To throw another coin
To wish again.

I wish for our happiness
And for our lives to be long.
But more so I wish
Our darkness to be gone.

-Cora Theresa

Twisted LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon