The Wrong Type of Girl

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I have been in love
So many times
And so many times
I have been hurt.

The reason behind this
Is so clear to me.
I am not a girl
That others wish to be.

I am a girl
Who is different from most
Choosing mostly
To hide within myself.

I am seen to believe
That I am better than all.
What they do not see
Is there is quite a fall.
I am not who they think,
And my confidence
Often lacks.

I am the wrong type of girl.
I do not fit a category.
I am not girly,
I am not a tomboy.
I am not the prettiest,
I am not the fittest.

I am not like any
Of those who are to be models.
I am not like any of those
Who I am compared to,
Or even the same ones
Who do the comparing.

I am the wrong type,
The wrong girl,
For many people
Of whom I meet.

But maybe, just maybe,
I am not alone.
Maybe,  just maybe,
We are all the wrong type of girl.

There will always be a person
We see as better than us.
When really that same person
Would rather be us.

Everyone has their flaws,
Their weakness.
But we are who we are
And that is what matters.

So maybe we are all
The wrong type of girl,
But the wrong type of girl
Is the right type for us to be.

Cora Theresa

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