What Hero

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you dont know pain

until you have saved a life

and then been told to die

I'm the girl who told so many

who helped people through

the times of need

where they tought they should end their lives

and i helped then through

and be told your not a hero

you are nothing

sure im not a fire fighter

but im just a kid

and sure im not a police officer

but i can't get a job

so it breaks my heart

when people say

what hero

when im the hero

who stood up for a kid

who was getting bullied

and was bullied myself

and hear people say im no hero

sure i dont have no cape

or a mask

but im a school hero

for when someone came into school

hold that gun

and I helped a kid

led them to safety

away from it all

and be call no hero

What about when this stranger was crying

and I helped then through a break up

where is the hero

anyone can be a hero

no matter what they do

but everyone with think past it

and never lead through

a hero is everywhere you look

you just got to look

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